Wednesday, 12 July 2017


Medical practice entails new challenges and is replete with experiences. One experiences different facets of human psyche every day. If one would study every patient, it would be a case study in itself and if the profiles are published, it would be a big fat book. While studying Materia Medica in Homeopathy, one would encounter a particular symptom called ailments from excitement, sadness, emotional trauma, death of near and dear person, etc.  At that point in time, one wouldn’t pay much heed to these symptoms, but in the course of medical practice, a whole case is built on such symptoms which are not rare.
Here is Seema ( name changed) from Goa. She reached menarche at the age of 14 which continued to be regular. Suddenly, at the age of 18, she stopped getting her menses. She tried every medicine to no avail for 2 years to no avail. She would get it when she took hormone pills and otherwise just missed it. A Sonographic test revelaed Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome ( PCOD). She got herself Homeopathic treatment for 4 months during which there was some improvement but it was back to square one after that. It was then that she came across the article on PCOD in the supplement Khazana and rushed to Belgaum. Her medical history and reports were studied but there was no clue to be found anywhere. Her sister had accompanied her and when asked about her parents, Seema was quiet. Her sister replied that they had met with an accident on the day of her eighteenth birthday. Seema stayed with her two sisters in turn since she had no brother. This put the last piece in the puzzle together where the date of her onset of PCOD was coinciding with this tragic event. Her hormonal system had collapsed due to this stress and out of worry for her future. This is when the phrase ‘Ailments from ….’ Recurred to me. I also duly found the symptom ‘ menses stopping due to shock’ in the medico dictionary. Since I found the root cause of the ailment, diagnosis became easier. When Seema was administered the specific medicine in the specific dosage, her menses became regular without giving any hormones.
The second case was that of Pradeep who was around 45 years of age. He was denied promotion in his job and the same was granted to somebody else. He could not cope with this frustration and as a result, faced high BP, giddiness, palpitations, etc. Medicines to reduce tension, instill vigor, to reduce melancholy or even sleeping pills were of no use. His frustration was being manifest in his ailment. When a suitable medicine was given to him, it proved effective. He even regained his joy. Homeopathic medicines proved far more effective to Pradeep than anti-depressants and he regained his self-confidence.
Every physical disease has its roots in some mental problem. Homeopathy has studied such psycho-somatic disorders. Experts can thoroughly check for such disorders. Accurate diagnosis depends on a proper conversation with the patient which is a rarity today. This conversation when coupled with respect for the patient creates a unique bond between the doctor and the patient and enables him to express freely which in turn helps in accurate diagnosis and treatment. At times, the true cause of the ailment is hidden in such conversations.
People fall ill owing to extreme happiness, extreme sorrow, due to heart-break, when faced with insult, etc. It is only homeopathy which has studied such symptoms, causes and ailments and hence accurate treatment is possible. ‘Ailments from…’ refers to the cause of every disease. It is very important to find the cause and chalk out appropriate treatment.

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