Parkinson’s disease is a nervous
disorder. The hands tremble, the muscles contract and the person’s
movements gradually slow down which are some symptoms of this disease.
Our nervous system consists of an extra –pyramidal- system and any
defect in the same causes this disease.
Symptoms and reasons- James Parkinson’s
first described this disease in 1817. Involuntary trembling of limbs,
decreased strength of the muscles, the body bending forward, the face
appearing blank and without any emotions due to the facial muscles being
stiffened, loss of a normal gait which turns into baby steps are some
of the symptoms collectively known as the Parkinson’s disease. This
tremor never manifests while sleeping or while at work but only when one
is sitting calmly or is very tired or excited. The fingers, especially
the thumb, tend to move as though you are working on a string of beads.
The tremor is always felt, the jaw moves as it does while chewing and
even the lips tremble. In advanced cases, one experiences trouble while
speaking. Since the muscles stiffen, one experiences backache and
muscular pain. However, one’s memory, intellect and sharpness remain
unaffected. Since the patient’s limbs keep trembling, he turns
irritable and restless. Further, with the stiffening of the fingers, his
handwriting turns minute and ineligible. In advance cases, he is unable
to speak or write. The face appears blank and emotionless. There is no
known reason for Parkinson’s yet. Our brain has a part called Basal
Ganglia which has a group of black cells called substantia niagra. When
these cells degenerate, the hormone that these cells secrete called
Dopamine is in deficiency. This is when Parkinson’s sets in. Deficiency
of Dopamine results in irregular functioning of the muscles.
Parkinson’s can be set in as a result of
Meningitis or consumption of poisonous substances like Carbon Monoxide.
In case of elderly patients, it can be a result of the contraction of
arteries carrying blood. Stress can cause accumulation of toxic
substances in the body which could also lead to Parkinson’s. When one
faces deficiency of Vitamin E in the early years, then he is more
susceptible to Parkinson’s in middle age. Research is in progress on
these lines.
Treatment– The disease
can be kept in control with artificial dosages of Dopamine, however one
can still experience the tremor in the body. Certain surgeries can also
prove beneficial, but any brain surgery is any time difficult and
complicated. In a new research, it is being tested if the portion of
middle brain from dead infants can be implanted into a patient’s brain
and check the result.
Physiotherapy– It is beneficial to relax the stiffened muscles and to bring coherence to movements.
Biochemic– Salt therapy
can treat deficiency of certain elements in the body. Silicia 12X,
Calcaria Fleur 6x, ColiFloss 6X can prove beneficial.
Homeopathy- Homeopathic
treatment, when administered from the early stages of the disease,
proves effective. Aurum Met, Cyphilinum, Plumbum Met, Valeriana, Ferum
Met, Arsemic Alb, Acid group of remedies and many such medicines can be
used in varying potencies. Homeopathic medicines can be administered
even while dopamine dose is on. However, expert advice is very essential
in this case.
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