Wednesday, 12 July 2017

Guilty Conscious

A human being, while being blessed with intellect, is also cursed with complexes and fears. The feeling of guilt has various aspects. The dilemmas of right or wrong in behaviour, the fear of going wrong, of whether one has spoken or acted the correct way often bog the mind. Such complexes are so severe in some people that it becomes difficult to lead a normal life. They face difficulty in taking tough decisions or facing moral dilemmas. They are extremely sensitive and suffer from the feeling of being useless. People who have had traumatic childhood or one fraught with violence, frequently suffer from such complexes. Those who face rejection in the childhood or during youth also face this problem and are prone to addiction.
Psychology refers to this as guilt complex. Many people repeatedly ask themselves if they’ve done the right thing, if they have placed money in the pocket or if things are in place. They live under self-inflicted duress. They give undue importance to what others feel and hence have no opinion of their own. They even shudder about what people would think rather what they feel. Denying their feelings, they live a life ridden with guilt.
The key symptoms of guilt are repeatedly apologizing, appeasing or considering oneself inferior to others. They are prisoners in their own minds and don’t allow spring to bloom either in their own life or of that of their partner. This leads to being left behind in life. It is the thoughts that show prosperity and not the wealth of a person. It’s the approach to life that is important.
Parents must be the wind under the children’s wings and not thwart their wings with hitting and abusing them. There was this patient who never quite got along with her mother-in-law since her marriage. The mother-in-law fell ill in old age. This woman nursed her mother-in-law but with constant bickering and abusing. However, after her death, the woman was bogged with the guilt that she had not taken good case of her mother-in-law. She felt that had she served her better, she would have at least been blessed by the dying woman. She started hallucinating that someone is speaking, laughing around her hose. This affected her entire family. This woman benefited with homoeopathy, flower therapy and counselling.
It shows that one must realize responsibility before demanding rights. It befits an expert to understand the accurate cause and symptoms. People facing guilt also face physical ailments. Since they lack the zeal to live, they always appear wilted, they walk with a hunch, face fatigue, ulcers, colitis, IBS, etc. They grind their teeth in sleep as well as while awake. One can see them with habits like shaking the neck, snapping fingers, pulling the trousers up, raising the eyebrows, patting one’s own head, sniffing the nose, etc. Such patients benefit from homoeopathy and flower therapy.

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