Thursday, 2 August 2018


I have seen many women talking about menopause that it is end; no more periods, no more beauty & step towards aging. I would say it is not end. It’s just end of your menstrual cycle. It’s a definite period of time when hormones like estrogen and progesterone fluctuate in your body so, not all but many women undergo physical as well as emotional changes. Fluctuation in your energy pattern and mood swings may make you unpredictable and miserable as well. Menopause might be no big deal for many women but if it is, homeopathy can help you.
copyright: dr sonali
One beautiful line about menopause that my mother always tells that, “It is the time, a woman should focus to be graceful rather than gorgeous”.
Stages & Symptoms of Menopause:
There are 3 stages of menopause:
  • Perimenopause: It starts about 3-5 years before actual menopause when estrogen level begins to drop. In this stage you may experience skipped periods, decreased flow, irregularity in cycle, fatigue etc.
  • Menopause: During this stage your menses cease. You may have symptoms like hot flashes, dizziness, insomnia, heart palpitation, nervousness, mood swings, depression, vaginal dryness, decreased sexual drive, irritable bladder etc.
  • Post Menopause: It is believe to start about 12 months after actual menopause when hormonal balance is established.
Role of Homeopathy in Menopause: The homeopathic treatment goal is to address hormonal imbalance. Homeopathic medicines are diluted to infinitesimal dose & such dynamic state of medicine is intelligent enough to stimulate body’s own healing mechanism & establish hormonal balance
The homeopathic medicines are natural, safe and proved on healthy human being. Modern medicine offers treatment like hormone replacement therapy in which they insert conjugated estrogen in your body that is more dangerous than actual problem. Study shows 80% of endometrial (uterine lining) cancer is due to Hormone replacement therapy. So, it is wise step to choose homeopathy in menopausal disturbance.
Homeopathic medicine works in harmony with immune system. It will boost your immunity & provides balance state of your body with energy from within.
In homeopathy one has to take only single constitutional medicine which is capable enough to deal with stress, anxiety, depression along with other symptoms.
Homeopathic treatment of menopausal disturbance:
Following are most commonly used homeopathic medicines in menopause. Homeopathic treatment is based on individualization so, it is always necessary to take homeopath’s advice before taking any medicine.
  • Lachesis: It relieves all pathological problems like hot flashes, night sweats, palpitation, headache, anxiety, irritability etc. The woman who is excessive talkative during menopause requires this medicine.
  • Bryonia: It relieves vaginal dryness, irritability & sleeplessness. Excellent medicine to relieve sore breast aggravation by slightest motion.
  • Ignasia: Wonderful medicine to relieve depressive disorder during menopause. Good medicine for hysterical debility & fits.
  • Sanguinaria: It is indicated when there is a change in circulatory system during menopause such as migraine, palpitation & high blood pressure. This medicine treats vaginal dryness & painful coition.
  • Sepia: Good medicine to treat psychological disturbances like mood swings, irritable detachment with own family members. Woman feels as if pelvic organs are weak and sagging. This medicine treats all mental disturbances and improves energy.
Stay tuned for my next article…
If anyone has any question regarding any medicine, Please put in Comment section.

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Friday, 6 April 2018


  • 7 TH APRIL 2018
  • heal and help
   this year we aim at high level health for everyone

  • Inspire—by highlighting policy-makers’ power to transform the health of the nation, framing the challenge as exciting and ambitious, and inviting them to be part of the change.
  • Motivate—by sharing examples of how countries are already progressing towards health for everyone  and encourage others to find their own path.
  • Guide—by providing tools for structured policy dialogue on how to advance health domestically or supporting such efforts in other countries (e.g. expanding service coverage, improving quality of services, reducing out-of-pocket payments).

Theme, slogan and hashtag

  • The theme of World Health Day is: Universal health coverage: everyone, everywhere.
  • The slogan is “Health for All”.
  • The primary hashtag that we are using is #HealthForAll but look out for posts using #WorldHealthDay as well.

Thursday, 22 March 2018

Nervous system
1.    Myasthania gravis
The role of the muscles and the nerves is complementary. A continuous cycle of signals from the muscles to the brain and back from the brain to the muscles which then act upon it, is carried out in our bodies. Myasthenia gravis is a serious ailment of the neuromuscular system. In this, the muscles slowly lose flexibility and turn limp. The voluntary muscles of the body can no longer be controlled by us.
Reasons-An autoimmune cell turns hostile to the chemicals at theneuromuscular junction. These ailments are called autoimmune disorders which means the immune cells of the body pit against the good cells and destroy them. The thymus gland is located at the joint in the center of the ribs. When this gland grows abnormally, it can result in the development of such auto immune cells which causes Myasthenia.
dr sonali sarnobat
Symptoms- This disease is prevalent in patients between the age of 15 to 50, in both men and women. However, it is observed more in women than men. At first, the severity of the symptoms is less. Muscular weakness is seen due to mental stress, over exertion, infectious diseases and during pregnancy. The main symptom is the extreme weakness in the muscles.  At first, one can experience some amount of vigor which gradually diminishes. After a day’s work, all muscles weaken completely. Early symptoms are visible in the eyelids and the wrinkles on the forehead. One cannot even open the eyelids nor can  the forehead be creased. Movement of the jaws, chewing food, swallowing, speaking, all becomes difficult and takes more time than what normally would. The muscles in the limbs fall limp. The shoulder muscles fail early. Even simple tasks like putting the clothes to hang or braiding the hair becomes cumbersome. Many times, even the respiratory muscles turn weak as the illness progresses. Since the muscles in the throat are weak, even reFlux cough can lead to choking and death. The limbs turn thin due to weakening of the muscles, cheeks look deflated. However, in spite of all this, the brain functions just normally.
Treatment -Among the allopathic medicines are pyridostigmine, propathlene or even steroids at times. When the illness turns severe, one may have to undergo plasma exchange wherein the antibodies are removed.

Homeopathy- Course of treatment  is decided after thorough analysis of the symptoms, severity, allied symptoms, etc. Causticum, plumbum met, Aurum met, siphilinum are some of the medicines which can be used for individual treatment. Most important is the early awareness in the patient and early diagnosis by the doctor. Only then can it be treated effectively.

Monday, 5 March 2018

Dear Parents,

Next few days is going to be crucial for children as well as you too.
Lot of mood swings, sadness, enthusiasm, relaxed behavior,  rudeness etc can be expected from the children.

Let's support our children. ..

How you can do that?ЁЯдФ

Some simple tips which can be implemented from your end, to help your child cope up with the stress.

1..Please wake them up in the morning with a positive stroke, a touch/ hug  which a child expects from his parents.

2.. Start your child's day with a positive statement - I love you,come let's start this beautiful day together etc

3.. Take care about the communication you have with your child, before s/he leaves for his exams. I am sure you will excel, I am sure you will give your best, all luck to you, I will be waiting for you to come back sweetheart....etc

4.. Do not let your anxiety pass on to your child. Whatever the situation is, last moment positive support from your end will give a boost to your child's confidence

5..When the child comes back, please avoid asking only how was the exam, instead was the experience....
Let's unwind for the day, let's go out for sometime / let's have a cup of coffee together etc

Avoid talking about the subject.

Gone is can't alter that but atleast you can support the child for the coming one.

6.. Please ensure that a very happy and healthy atmosphere is given to the child in the house during his exams.

Avoid unnecessary arguments within the family, differences can be solved later; 
Don't forget- that will affect your child and that will add to his stress

7..Please play soft instrumental music while the child is having his breakfast or relaxing with you

8..Avoid giving marks target to the child.He is sensible enough to understand his targets

9..Keep fresh flowers in the house, that brings lots of positivity in the house

10..Avoid nagging for any reasons

11..With a positive stroke, make the child sleep..your two minutes will give him sound sleep for some hours, that will help the child to combat with the situation

12...Avoid advice pls, give the child his space 

13..Stand by your child even if the exam has not gone as per your or his expectations..It's ok...

14..Most important: 
From today, don't let the child meet the relatives or friends with negative statements or expectations. This might prove detrimental for the child.

Lots of love to your child and 
*Yes - you please be calm, be patient and all luck to you too , my dear parents*.

Friday, 2 March 2018

1.    Fear Complex
Fear or fright is considered one of the most primal of feelings in humans. It has  numerous manifestations. From children to the elderly, almost everybody experiences fear. Some scholars even suggest that the concept of God may find its origins in such fear. Atheists, or those who believe in God usually fall ill less often for they place all their problems and burdens at the altar of God and remain calm. On the other hand, the modernists carry the burdens of self-importance on their shoulders. This article focuses on the fear that is experienced by children.
Fear Complex: Fear of one particular object or person creates a complex in children. The feeling of insecurity, loneliness, lack of emotional support, family discord, mental disorders, untimely death of parent/s or even lack of proper upbringing may result in specific complexes being formed in children.
Symptoms: Fear of the dark, fear of the ghost, of crossing the road, fear of unknown people, sex-related fear are some of the forms of fear.
Children tremble with fear, lose appetite, diarrhea and vomiting, giddiness, losing speech, stammering, crying without any reason or plain craziness are some of the symptoms.
Shreya was a 10 year old girl who faced stage fright. However, she was good at elocution but went speechless on stage. She faced problems during competitions when she went on stage. Normally she would speak eloquently. Flower therapy and Homoeopathy helped this girl overcome her stage fright.
14 year old Shubhankar aced in studies but there was some discord in his family. Perhaps this was why he was terrified of exams. He suffered from vomiting and diarrhea when he had to go write an exam. This negated his efforts of a whole year. There was the tenth standard board exam just two years away. He benefited from a specific Homoeopathic medicine which was coupled with counseling.
Sulekha reached menarche at the age of 12 and for reasons unknown, she took a fear towards men and boys. She even perspired at the sight of men or boys on road. She imagined that everyone out there was commenting on her and that she was insecure there. Forget going to school, she even started dreading to venture out of home. However, she behaved normally with her brother and father at home. Such riddles can be solved with Homoeopathy alone. Her parents faced immense stress, but now she is normal, married and with a great job.
We may not realize the seriousness of these examples of fear, but the person suffering from it is in distress. It is important to not only counsel the patient but also his family members.
Treatment - It is crucial to provide a good upbringing to children in order to raise them into confident and fearless individuals. Toddlers are also threatened and fed. Instead of this, cajole them into eating by taking their own time. There ought to be some spiritual bend of mind since childhood. Parents must behave properly for kids learn through imitation. Proper upbringing, ethical behavior, spirituality, studies, adequate play and exercise develops a child into a fine human being. It is not enough to just be good, one must also be street smart. For everything else, there is Homoeopathy and flower therapy, but don’t forget to consult a trained doctor before that.

Wednesday, 14 February 2018



Have you ever seen a stress-free student just before an exam? I haven't ,I have personally developed some tips to help students reduce their exam stress levels and ensure maximum efficiency before, during and straight after an examination.
Before the exam
Here are some basic pre-exam tips to help you minimise stress and maximise effective study.
1. Don't cram
Studying the night before an exam causes the level of stress in the body to increase. Unfortunately, this stress doesn't decrease when you go to sleep. The best way to reduce anxiety is by taking the night before an exam off to relax: watch TV, talk to a friend, read a novel.
If you're one of those people who become anxious because of not studying the night before an exam, then simply review the main points of your subject earlier in the day and leave the night free for other things.
Note that it is assumed that you have already done some study leading up to the night before your exam.
2. Avoid stressful people
Stress is contagious, so resist the urge to have a study session with your apprehensive friends before an exam, especially if they're complaining about all the work they have left to do and pulling their hair out.
Their stress will only add to your stress and make you doubt yourself, even if you know that you will be fine.
3. Eat well
Good nutrition is a leading factor in a student's academic achievement. A well-balanced diet can help transform a nutritionally imbalanced student into a healthy and dynamic one.
And of course, having breakfast before an exam is a must for a student who wants to focus and be most efficient during their exam.
4. Watch your caffeine intake
Nothing drives up your stress level faster than not being able to fall asleep the night before an exam, so avoid beverages like coffee, or high energy drinks like V or Mother unless they are decaffeinated.
5. Avoid late night studies
Do your best to avoid late night study the night before your exam because a bad sleep is the very worst thing to be suffering from in an exam room.
6. Prepare to be prepared
Before going to bed the night before an exam, make sure to collect together everything that you will need for the exam - this could include:
Sharpened pencils
Your lucky shirt
Water bottle
A watch
Double (and even triple) check the time of your exam, location and seat number. Allow plenty of time for problems like lack of fuel and traffic on the way, making sure to arrive with time to spare so that you go into your exam calmly rather than in a frantic rush sweating.
7. Zzzz
Staying up all night before an exam is the worst thing one can do. You reach a point where your productivity eventually declines, so sleeping is a must to have a refreshed mind the next morning.
Regular sleep is the best ways to control exam stress. Students who follow a regular sleeping pattern have been shown to perform much better than students who stay up late.
Also, don't forget to set your alarm clock the night before!

During the exam

Okay, so you've done everything you can to get prepared in the lead-up to your exam. But how do you avoid stress on the day of the exam itself?
8. Focus
As you work on your exam, focus only on the exam and not on what other students are doing. There will always be students in the same exam room as you whose aim is to annoy and distract others and not to concentrate on the exam they barely started.
If you are the kind of student who taps their pencils, clicks their pens or makes sounds with their mouths due to exam anxiety, be considerate as it may be really distracting to others. Don't do to others what you wouldn't want to be done to yourself.
9. Start strategically
Begin your exam by skimming through the questions quickly and note down any initial thoughts or related memorised facts beside each question. You don't always have to start at the beginning if you know another question better. Start with the questions you know best. This will boost your confidence and get you off to a good start.
Don't forget to spend more time on heavier weighted questions.
After the exam
Finally, it's over! You've worked hard and done your best and now it's time to put the exam out of your mind entirely. Remember - the things that you do after an exam are just as important for dealing with stress as the things you do before and during.
10. Spoil yourself
Reward yourself as soon as the exam is over. If you do not have any other commitments, go out and do something like seeing a movie with a friend. If you have other exams to study for, it's better to postpone for a larger treat. Nevertheless, thirty minutes for a coffee with a friend or a quick swim in the pool will definitely give you the boost needed for the next exam.
Good luck!
So there you have it. Some basic ways that you can make exam time a little bit easier.
These reliable and personally road-tested tips are essential for any student wanting to cope with exam stress and ensure exam success.
Good luck!

Saturday, 27 January 2018

1.    Disturbed sleep
It is an age when the world races ahead of the hands of the clock. We have lost peace of life by racing behind expectations, dreams and some more ambitions. Every person is striving towards earning as much money as he can and build as many facilities as he can. In all this, we are, somewhere, losing out the core of human life, viz. mental and physical wellness. Having a good night’s sleep and waking up to a fresh new day, with no tensions and no deadlines to follow nor answerable to anybody. Can we find such lucky people anymore? Even small kids are bereft of such a luck, while they keep pacing from six am to 10 pm behind school, tuition classes, and projects and seem to have the free spirited happiness of life.
In this fast paced life, loss of sleep or insomnia looks to be alarmingly common. Apart from complete loss of sleep, there are other sleep disorders like not having a deep slumber, frequent awakening due to dreams, falling asleep only to wake up a while later and then unable to sleep again, a mind that does not go quiet even when asleep or the brain continuing to function even while asleep.
Reasons and symptoms: mental stress is the key reason for loss of sleep. The mind faces stress due to worries, exertion or some kind of pressure. When a person keeps unexpressed feelings of anger and bitterness, he is unable to sleep. Constipation, indigestion, over eating at night and excessive amounts of tea, coffee, alcohol consumption or smoking, improper diet can also cause disturbed sleep. Many times, just the thought about whether I shall get a good night’s sleep is enough to lose sleep.
Such people find changes in the time and duration of sleep. Small children wake up from sleep feeling afraid, some wet the bed. The adults face problems like irritation, loss of memory, lack of concentration, feeling sleepy in the day, frequent mouth ulcers, loss of taste, etc. His behavior differs because of a disturbed sleep.
Treatment: A proper change in the lifestyle is the only cure for sleep disorders. God has definitely bestowed the ability to identify one’s own mistakes and the means to rectify them. If one is unable to find answers all by himself, the he must consult a professional.
When the body faces deficiency of Vitamin B1 or Thiamine, he is unable to get a good sleep or mental peace. One must consume whole grain flour, dry fruits, pulses, etc.
Homeopathy has cured several kinds of queer sleep disorders. Suchitra also faced a disturbed sleep problem. She had educated herself under difficult circumstances, gone on to help her husband in his business and had now attained some status in society. However, she could never get a good sleep. She suffered from body ache. Any kind of soft mattress would appear hard to her. She could somehow fall asleep late in the night as she folded herself into a small round. Her mind, however, keep blabbering all the while.
This brain working is a strange phenomenon. This results in the person in perennial stress. Suchitra’s case had a perfect medicine in Homeopathy and now she sleeps like a baby!
The mind is kept calm with meditation, spirituality, interacting with friends, entertainment and reading. It calms down and falls asleep. It is advisable to forget and forgive one’s own and others mistakes. One must forget all bitterness and strive for a long lasting peaceful mind.
copyright@dr sonali sarnobat

Saturday, 20 January 2018

    1. Mouth ulcers
When the fine threads  on the tongue disappear and it turns red and shines, it is said to be Mouth Ulcers. It can affect people of any age.
Reasons for Mouth Ulcers-
  1. When Vitamins like Niacin, Riboflavin ( or B Complex) and Vitamin E are deficient in the body, it causes mouth ulcers.
  2. Mouth ulcers can be caused due to dehydration, ie. when the levels of water in the body drops.. It can happen due to dysentery, vomiting, exertion, etc. when the oxidative stress in the body increases and ulcers start appearing in the mouth
  3. Mouth ulcers are seen in the skin disease Psoriasis
  4. Over consumption of supari, tobacco or tea.
  5. Due to diabetes
  6. White patches appear on the tongue due to a fungus called candidiasis. 
  7. It is one of the important symptoms in anemia.
Many times, the inner lining of the mouth develops red patches while the middle develops a yellow one. This is called Apthus ulcer. This can be controlled by increasing intake of Vitamin B Complex in the diet or with medicines. However, if the patient has the habit of chewing tobacco or Gutkha, it results in Sub Mucous Fibrosis or the onset of cancer. A white patch appears and the outer layer of the inner lining in the mouth disappears. If left untreated, it can result in the cancer developing faster.
Naturopathy-  One must include red vegetables, beet, dates, jaggery and hand polished rice. Consuming the seeds of Subza or sweet basil seeds soaked overnight, mixed with water or milk reduces the oxidative stress of the body and thereby the heat.
Homeopathy-  One can say that Homeopathy has a medicine for every symptom. It even has a medicines when infants develop mouth ulcers due to sucking the nipple of a milk feeding bottle.
When a patient who chews tobacco or consumes gutkha  shows signs of Sub Mucous fibrosis, there is a useful medicine called Capsicum. If a patient develops red marks due to biting the teeth and experiences frequent thirst, then a medicine called Merc sol can be administered. There is a separate medicine if only the tip of the tongue is reddish. Frequent boils on the tongue, indigestion, acidity, weakness has a medicine from the carbon group.
When there are white boils at the base of the tongue with painful scars, then a medicine called Thuja can be given. When there is a muddy layer at the base of the tongue and a sour or soapy taste in the mouth, then a medicine called Calcarea sulph can be given. Excessive saliva and bad breath need a medicine called merc sol which reduces bad breath. However, one cannot administer medicines only based on symptoms alone which results in temporary relief. This must be combined with the person’s details, the nature and severity of symptoms, his history and then decide on the course of medicines to him. Otherwise only a particular symptom is cured and some other problem is created. This is the very reason Homeopathic treatment must be administered by an expert.

Wednesday, 17 January 2018

1.    Screen Addiction (one touch syndrome)
Up until a decade ago, owning a Nokia 1100 was considered luxury. Technolgical advances in the past decade have happened at maddening speeds. A new model and a new app is released almost every day.
Add to it the chaos created by Whatsapp and Facebook and you have a generation gone crazy for it. Even the strongest of people have fallen prey to its lure. 2G, 3 G and now 4G have not only increased internet speed, but also of our expectations. Everything is available at the touch of a finger, online shopping, online booking, online friendship, etc. and the list is endless. This has made things easy but the youth has been trapped in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Aditya (name changed), aged 15 only, expert in handling smartphone, tablet PC, studies in standard 9th. He excelled in studies but currently obsessed with facebook, games and whatsapp. This left him with no time for outdoor games or even to speak to family members. He was in close contact with the world out there but was detached from his own family and its affection. Slowly, this obsession turned to addiction. Right up to he slept and then again as he woke up, he needed to check his phone. At other times also, he exhibited impatience and irritability. He put his foot down for he wanted and refused to do something if he did not wish to do it.
Later, he began checking his school bag repeatedly, check the time, arrange his T-Shirt, pull his trousers up, and frequently visit the loo and many such complaints started over time. His body appeared to be in high alert at all times.  09916106896, 09964946918
Why does this happen?
When the brain gets the message to stay alert at all times, the body remains in a state of adrenaline surge. The brain cannot refresh itself. Hence, the body and the brain get tired faster. Signals reach the brain faster and so is its response to the body. After a while, the nervous system goes into chaos. This causes obsessive compulsive movements of the body. When certain parts of the brain and key functions of the body stay in perpetual stress, it can prove harmful.
What can be done?
Limit the use of mobile phones to making and receiving calls. Allocate only an hour per day to recreational tasks like facebook and whatsapp. Outdoor games, real reading (not internet or mobile content), talking to family members, listening to music can also be indulged into. At certain ages, academic study should be the key function of a person. The adults also must adhere to this discipline.

Homeopathy has excellent medicines for OCD. Lycopodium, Nuxvomica, Sulphur are some examples of the same

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Tuesday, 16 January 2018

  1. Infertility
Every living being yearns to produce his progeny. In case of humans, this feeling is stronger among women. However, not everything that a human being wishes, is fulfilled. 5 out of 100 couples face infertility problems. The main problem is that of the complications arising out of social, familial and religious customs and traditions. King Dashratha also conducted a Putrakameshti yagnya  to beget a child. The desire to bear children results in the cases like the Manvat killings. A childless couple, especially the women, faces a lot of ridicule in society. Hence, infertility has utmost importance in human life. She gets an inferiority complex. Before blaming such women, it is necessary to understand the process of conception and the scientific perspective behind it.
It takes three important factors for child bearing: Conception of the egg and the sperm, impregnation of the embryo into the uterus and its nurture for 9 months in the uterus and then delivery of a fully developed baby. Any obstacle or ailment developed in this process results in the inability to conceive. Around 5 to 10 % of the couples face this problem. Normally, a couple has to try for a few months to conceive and most succeed in about a year. If you don’t conceive even after trying for a year, then you need to consult a doctor for check- up.
It is important that both the husband and the wife desirous of having a baby, undergo check-up. It is applicable when trying for the first baby or even when they have one baby and are trying for another one. This is because over time, there can be physical changes due to age, circumstances and ailments, etc. The reproductive organs and the system itself may undergo changes. Hence, it is important that both of them are present for the tests.
Reasons for infertility-
Male factors:
  1. Lack of sperms altogether
  2. Less quantity of sperms
  3. Low motility of sperms
  4. Dead sperms
  5. Impotency or physiological defects
Female factors:
  1. No egg formation
  2. Irregular egg formation ( PCOD)
  3. Lack of information about intercourse
  4. Inflammation of vaginal tract or uterine opening.
  5. Under-developed uterus or total absence of uterus
  6. Inflammation of uterus (T.B., Fibroids, Cysts)
  7. Blocked Fallopian tubes
  8. Hormonal imbalance
  9. Unknown cause, which means infertility for no obvious reasons
It is important that the male also undergoes tests to determine the cause of infertility. Even today, it is the woman who is held responsible for the inability to conceive. These tests enable the doctors to completely assess the reproductive capacity of the couple. 
Tests for males:
  1. Sperm test (Semen analysis)
  2. Blood test, especially for Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
Tests for females:
  1. Follicular study: Sonography for ovarian follicle monitoring or test to determine formation of eggs
  2. Fallopian Tube test: Laparoscopy, Hysteroscopy- a test done with the help of a Laparoscope through the stomach or the vagina
Hysterosalpingography- An X-Ray that is taken by inserting specific Dyes in the uterus. This enables determine blockages, if any, in the Uetrus and the Fallopian tubes
  1. It is also determined if the Uterine lining is well developed and whether the blood vessels are functioning properly
  1. Hormonal Assay helps determine hormonal balance
  2. Other specific tests- Immunological tests
All these tests help determine the problem. However, all these tests cannot be done at the same time but on certain days of the menstrual cycle only. In case of about 5% of the couples, they fail to conceive even though all the tests are normal. 
Infertility can be a result of physical defects, weakness or erectile dysfunction. In certain diseases, the body becomes weak. Diseases like syphilis,gonorrhea(parama,garami in local language) Inflammation of Fallopian tubes, Anemia, incapacity of reproductive organs, defects in ovaries or obesity can result in infertility. Mental stress, mental weakness, fear, worry are also some other reasons for the same. 
Treatment for infertility begins after proper diagnosis of the reasons for infertility. Some couples fail to conceive even after Laparoscopy, IUI (Intra Uterine Insemination) or even Test Tube Baby (IVF). Conception does not occur even though there is some minor defect in both of them. Homeopathy is a boon for such couples.  We can quote numerous examples of couples who have availed Homeopathic treatment for infertility and have successfully conceived. These include those with Female problems, Male problems, frequent miscarriages, with a single tube functional, hormonal imbalance, with Bicornuate Uterus ( Split uterus) or even those with no known defects who have successfully conceived a baby.
Homeopathic Treatment-
Treatment can be planned depending on the reason of infertility and as per their individual physiology. Here are some examples. 
  1. Viburnum opulus- Inflammation of the uterus, miscarriage within 15 days of conception, extreme weakness
  2. Conium- Accumulation of underdeveloped follicles in the ovaries, whitish sticky discharge, pain on both sides of the uterus, pain in the breasts before and during menstruation and giddiness.
  3. Plumbum met- irregular menstruation, delayed and with less flow; lack of hormones required for conception
  4. Mandragora- For infertility due to no known cause
  5. Agnuscactus- For male problems
  6. Sabal serrulata- For development of healthy sperms

Natrum phos 6X
Homeopathy is a proven medical science which cannot be implemented just by listening or reading something. It requires a trained doctor to administer medicines for desired results. This treatment has enabled even couples who have reached their forties to conceive. Even couples who have been married for 10 to 15 years have benefited.
  1. Bark of the peepal tree- When there is no obvious defect in a woman, then the juice of tender roots of the peepal tree is very beneficial. Dry the roots in shadow and powder them. Mix 20 grams of this powder in ¾ of a cup of milk and consume for 3 nights. Start this therapy from the fifth day of the menstrual cycle. 
  2. Jamum leaves- A decoction of the Jamun leaves is beneficial when there is a defect in the ovaries. Boil 20 grams of the leaves in ¼ 
liter of water. Mix with 2 spoons of honey or 200 ml butter milk and consume. 
  1. Wintercherry- This plant is beneficial in treating infertility. Mix 6 grams of this powder in a cup of milk and consume for 5 to 6 days after menstruation. 
Supplements- Some women fail to conceive due to lack of Vitamin‘C’ , ‘E’ and Zinc. These women must consume 1000 mgs of Vitamin C, 400 mgs of Vitamin E and 30 mgs of Zinc.
In order to increase the efficiency of the reproductive organs, one can try Sarvangasan, Matsyasan, Ardhamatsyendrasan, Paschimottanasan, Shalabhasan etc. 
A proper balanced diet and a vibrant desire to live well coupled with adequate rest and Homeopathic treatment can enable to overcome infertility.

Monday, 15 January 2018

рдк्рд░рдд्рдпेрдХ рд╕рдЬीрд╡ рдк्рд░ाрдг्рдпाрдордз्рдпे рдЖрдкрд▓ी рд╕ंрддрддी рдиिрд░्рдоाрдг рдХрд░ाрд╡ी рд╣ी рдЗрдЪ्рдЫा рдЙрдкрдЬрддрдЪ рдЕрд╕рддे. рдордиुрд╖्рдпрдк्рд░ाрдг्рдпाрдордз्рдпे рдиैрд╕рд░्рдЧिрдХрд░िрдд्рдпाрдЪ рд╕्рдд्рд░िрдпांрдордз्рдпे рд╣ी рдЗрдЪ्рдЫा рдЬाрд╕्рдд рдк्рд░рдмрд▓ рдЕрд╕рддे. рдкрд░ंрддु рдоाрдирд╡ाрдЪ्рдпा рд╕рд░्рд╡рдЪ рдЗрдЪ्рдЫा рдкूрд░्рдг рд╣ोрддाрдд рдЕрд╕े рдиाрд╣ी. рдиिрд╕рд░्рдЧाрдЪा рдиिрдпрдордЪ рдЖрд╣े. 100 рд▓рдЧ्рдиांрдордз्рдпे 5 рдЬोрдбрдк्рдпांрдЪ्рдпा рд╡ाрдЯ्рдпाрд▓ा рд╡ंрдз्рдпрдд्рд╡ рдпेрддे. рдоुрдЦ्рдп рдк्рд░рд╢्‍рди рдЖрд╣े рддो рд╡ंрдз्рдпрдд्рд╡ाрдоुрд│े рдпेрдгाрд░्‍рдпा рд╕ाрдоाрдЬिрдХ рдХौрдЯुंрдмिрдХ, рдзाрд░्рдоिрдХ рд░ूрдвींрдЪ्рдпा рд╕рдорд╕्рдпेрдЪा! рдоूрд▓ рд╣ोрдг्рдпाрд╕ाрдаी рд░ाрдЬा рджрд╢рд░рдеाрдиेрд╕ुрдз्рджा рдкुрдд्рд░рдХाрдоेрд╖्рдЯी рдЬрдЬ्рдЮ рдХेрд▓ा рд╣ोрддो. рдоुрд▓ांрд╕ाрдаी рдоाрдирд╡рддрд╕ाрд░рдЦे рд╣рдд्рдпाрдХांрдб рд╣ोрддे. рдоूрд▓ рди рд╣ोрдгाрд░्‍рдпा рдЬोрдбрдк्рдпाрдЪी рд╡िрд╢ेрд╖рддः рд╕्рдд्рд░ीрдЪी рд╕рдоाрдЬाрдд рдлाрд░ рдЕрд╡рд╣ेрд▓рдиा рд╣ोрддे. рдо्рд╣рдгूрдирдЪ рд╡ंрдз्рдпрдд्рд╡ рдпा рд╡िрд╖рдпाрд▓ा рдЕрдирди्рдпрд╕ाрдзाрд░рдг рдорд╣рдд्рд╡ рдЖрд╣े. рдд्рдпाрдоुрд│े рдд्рдпा рд╕्рдд्рд░ीрд╕ рджोрд╖ी рдард░рд╡рдг्рдпाрдЖрдзी рдЧрд░्рднाрдЪी рдиिрд░्рдоिрддी рдХрд╢ी рд╣ोрддे рдЖрдгि рдд्рдпाрдоाрдЧे рд╢ाрд╕्рдд्рд░ीрдп рджृрд╖्рдЯीрдХोрди рдХाрдп рдЖрд╣े рд╣े рдкाрд╣рдгे рдорд╣рдд्рд╡ाрдЪे!
рдЧрд░्рдн рдиिрд░्рдоिрддीрд╕ाрдаी рдк्рд░рдоुрдЦ्рдпाрдиे рддीрди рдЧोрд╖्рдЯी рд▓ाрдЧрддाрдд. рдкुрд░ूрд╖ рдмीрдЬ рд╡ рд╕्рдд्рд░ी рдмीрдЬ рдпांрдЪ्рдпा рд╕ंрдпोрдЧाрдиे рдЧрд░्рдн рдиिрд░्рдоाрдг рд╣ोрдгे, рдЧрд░्рдн рдЧрд░्рднाрд╢рдпाрдд рд░ूрдЬрдгे рд╡ рдирдК рдорд╣िрди्рдпाрдкрд░्рдпंрдд рдкोрд╕рд▓ा рдЬाрдКрди рд╡ाрдврдгे, рдиंрддрд░ рдкूрд░्рдг рд╡ाрдвीрдЪे рдмाрд│ рдЬрди्рдоाрд▓ा рдпेрдгे, рдпा рдиैрд╕рд░्рдЧिрдХ рдХ्рд░िрдпेрдордз्рдпे рдХोрдаेрддрд░ी рдЕрдбрдерд│ा рдЕрдерд╡ा рд╡िрдХाрд░ рдЙрдд्рдкрди्рди рдЭाрд▓्рдпाрд╕ рдЧрд░्рднрдзाрд░рдг рд╣ोрдд рдиाрд╣ी. рд╕рд░्рд╡рд╕ाрдзाрд░рдг 5 рддे 10 рдЯрдХ्рдХे рдЬोрдбрдк्рдпांрдордз्рдпे рд╣ी рд╕рдорд╕्рдпा рдЕрд╕рддे. рдмрд╣ुрддेрдХ рдЬोрдбрдк्рдпांрдиा рдоूрд▓ рд╣ोрдг्рдпाрд╕ाрдаी рдХाрд╣ी рдорд╣िрдиे рдк्рд░рдпрдд्рди рдХрд░ाрд╡े рд▓ाрдЧрддाрдд. рд╕ाрдзाрд░рдгрддः рдПрдХ рд╡рд░्рд╖ाрдд рдмрд╣ुрддांрд╢ рдЬोрдбрдк्рдпांрдиा рдпрд╢ рдпेрддे рдо्рд╣рдгूрди рдПрдХ рд╡рд░्рд╖ рд╡ाрдЯ рдкाрд╣ूрди рдПрдХ рд╡рд░्рд╖ाрдЪ्рдпा рдк्рд░рдпрдд्рдиाрдиंрддрд░рд╕ुрдз्рджा рджिрд╡рд╕ рд░ाрд╣िрд▓े рдиाрд╣ीрдд рддрд░ рддрдЬ्рдЬ्рдЮ рдбॉрдХ्рдЯрд░ांрдЪ्рдпा рддрдкाрд╕рдгी рд╡ рд╕рд▓्рд▓्рдпाрдЪी рдЧрд░рдЬ рдЖрд╣े, рдЕрд╕े рд╕рдордЬрдг्рдпाрд╕ рд╣рд░рдХрдд рдиाрд╣ी.
рдоूрд▓ рд╣рд╡े рдЕрд╕рдгाрд░्‍рдпा рдкрддी рдкрдд्рдиी рджोрдШांрдЪीрд╣ी рд╡ैрдж्рдпрдХीрдп рддрдкाрд╕рдгी рд╣ोрдгे рдЖрд╡рд╢्рдпрдХ рдЕрд╕рддे. рдкрд╡्рд░рдердорддः рдоूрд▓ рд╣ोрдд рдирд╕ेрд▓ рдХिंрд╡ा рдкрд╣िрд▓े рдоूрд▓ рдЕрд╕ूрди рдиंрддрд░ рдоूрд▓ рд╣ोрдд рдирд╕ेрд▓ рддрд░ीрд╣ी рд╕рд░्рд╡ рддрдкाрд╕рдг्рдпा рдХрд░ूрди рдШेрдгे рд╕ोрдпीрд╕्рдХрд░ рдЕрд╕рддे. рдХाрд░рдг рдХाрд│, рдкрд░िрд╕्рдеिрддी, рд╡िрдХाрд░ рд╡्рдпाрдзींрдоुрд│े рджोрдШांрдордз्рдпेрд╣ी рдмрджрд▓ рд╣ोрдК рд╢рдХрддाрдд. рдЬрдирдиेंрдж्рд░िрдпांрдордз्рдпे, рдЬрдирдирдХ्рд╖рдорддेंрдордзेрд╕ुрдз्рджा рдмрджрд▓ рд╣ोрдК рд╢рдХрддो. рдо्рд╣рдгूрди рддрдкाрд╕рдгी рд╡ेрд│ी рдкрддी рдкрдд्рдиी рджोрдШांрдиीрд╣ी рдЙрдкрд╕्рдеिрдд рдЕрд╕рдгे рдЖрд╡рд╢्рдпрдХ рдЕрд╕рддे.
рд╡ंрдзрдд्рд╡ाрдЪी рдХाрд░рдгे
рдкुрд░ूрд╖ांрдордзीрд▓ рд╡िрдХाрд░- 
1. рдкुрд░ूрд╖рдмीрдЬांрдЪा рдкूрд░्рдг рдЕрднाрд╡
2. рдкुрд░ूрд╖рдмीрдЬाрдЪे рдк्рд░рдоाрдг рдХрдоी рдЕрд╕рдгे
3. рдкुрд░ूрд╖рдмीрдЬाрдЪी рдоंрдж рд╣ाрд▓рдЪाрд▓
4. рдирдкुрд╕ंрдХрдд्рд╡ рдХिंрд╡ा рд░рдЪрдиाрдд्рдордХ рджोрд╖ рдЕрд╕рдгे
рд╕्рдд्рд░ी рд╡िрдХाрд░-
1. рд╕्рдд्рд░ी рдмीрдЬ рддрдпाрд░рдЪ рди рд╣ोрдгे
2. рд╕्рдд्рд░ी рдмीрдЬ рдЕрдиिрдпрдоिрдд рддрдпाрд░ рд╣ोрдгे (рдкीрд╕ीрдУрдбी)
3. рд╕्рдд्рд░ी рдкुрд░ूрд╖ рд╕ंрдмंрдзाрдмाрдмाрдд рдЕрдЬ्рдЮाрди
4. рдпोрдиी рдоाрд░्рдЧाрдЪी рд╕ूрдЬ, рдЧрд░्рднाрд╢рдп рдоुрдЦाрдЪी рд╕ूрдЬ
5. рдЧрд░्рднाрд╢рдпाрдЪी рд╡ाрдв рдЕрдкूрд░्рдг рдЕрд╕рдгे. (рдЧрд░्рднाрд╢рдп рдЬрди्рдордЬाрддрдЪ рдирд╕рдгे.)
6. рдЧрд░्рднाрд╢рдпाрддीрд▓ рд╕ूрдЬ (рдЯी. рдмी., рдлाрдпрдм्рд░ॉрдИрдб, рдЧाрдаी рдЕрд╕рдгे.)
7. рдЧрд░्рднрдирд▓िрдХा рдмंрдж рдЕрд╕рдгे.
8. рд╣ाрд░्рдоोрди рдЕрд╕ंрддुрд▓рди
9. рдЕрдиाрдХрд▓рдиीрдп рд╡ंрдз्рдпрдд्рд╡. рдЕрд░्рдеाрдд рд╕рдЧрд│े рдХाрд╣ी рдиॉрд░्рдорд▓ рдЕрд╕ूрдирд╣ी рдоूрд▓ рди рд╣ोрдгे.
рдЬ्рдпा рдЬोрдбрдк्рдпाрд▓ा рдоूрд▓ рд╣ोрдд рдиाрд╣ी рдд्рдпा рджोрдШांрдЪ्рдпाрд╣ी рд╡ैрдж्рдпрдХीрдп рддрдкाрд╕рдг्рдпा рдХрд░рддाрдиा рдкुрд░ूрд╖ाрдЪी рддрдкाрд╕рдгी рдХрд░ूрди рдШेрдгेрд╕ुрдз्рджा рдЬрд░ूрд░ीрдЪे рдЕрд╕рддे. рдЕрдЬूрдирд╣ी рдЖрдкрд▓्рдпा рд╕рдоाрдЬाрдд рдлрдХ्рдд рд╕्рдд्рд░ीрд╡рд░ рд╡ंрдз्рдпрдд्рд╡ рд▓ाрджрд▓े рдЬाрддे. рдлрдХ्рдд рддिрд▓ाрдЪ рджोрд╖ी рдард░рд╡рд▓े рдЬाрддे. рдпा рддрдкाрд╕рдг्рдпा рдХрд░рдг्рдпाрдоाрдЧे рдбॉрдХ्рдЯрд░ांрдЪा рд╣ेрддू рдд्рдпा рдЬोрдбрдк्рдпाрдЪ्рдпा рдЬрдирдирдХ्рд╖рдорддेрдЪे рдкूрд░्рдг рдоूрд▓्рдпांрдХрди рдХрд░рдгे рд╣ा рдЕрд╕рддो.
1. рдкुрд░ूрд╖ рд╡ीрд░्рдп рддрдкाрд╕рдгी (рд╕िрдоेрди рдЕ‍ॅрдиाрд▓ाрдпрд╕िрд╕)
2. рд░рдХ्рддрддрдкाрд╕рдгी, рд╡िрд╢ेрд╖рддः рдЧुрдк्рддрд░ोрдЧाрд╕ाрдаी
1. рдмीрдЬрдиिрд░्рдоिрддी рдкрдбрддाрд│рдгी- рд╕ोрдиोрдЧ्рд░ाрдлी рдУрд╡्рд╣ेрд░िрдпрди рдлॉрд▓िрдХрд▓ рдоॉрдиिрдЯрд░िंрдЧ- рдЕрд░्рдеाрдд рд╕्рдд्рд░ीрдмीрдЬ рд╡ाрдвीрд╕ंंрдмंрдзी рддрдкाрд╕рдгी
2. рдлॅрд▓ोрдкिрдпрди рдЯ्рдпुрдм рдкрд░ीрдХ्рд╖ा (рдмीрдЬрд╡ाрд╣рдХ рдирд▓िрдХा)- рд▓ॅрдк्рд░ोрд╕्рдХोрдкी/ рд╣िрд╕्рдЯрд░ोрд╕्рдХोрдкी- рджुрд░्рдмिрдгीрдЪ्рдпा рд╕рд╣ाрдп्рдпाрдиे рдкोрдЯाрддूрди рдХिंрд╡ा рдЧрд░्рднाрд╢рдпाрддूрди рд╡िрд╢ेрд╖ рддрдкाрд╕рдгी рдХрд░рдгे.
рд╣िрд╕्рдЯेрд░ोрд╕ाрд▓्рдлिрдЧोрдЧ्рд░ाрдлी- рд╡िрд╢िрд╖्рдЯ рд░ंрдЧ рдФрд╖рдзे рдЧрд░्рднाрд╢ाрдд рд╕ोрдбूрди рдХाрдврд▓ेрд▓ा рдПрдХ्рд╕-рд░े. рдпाрд╡рд░ूрди рдЧрднाрд░्рдкрд╢ाрддीрд▓ рд╡ рдмीрдЬрд╡ाрд╣рдХ рдирд▓िрдХा рдпाрддीрд▓ рджोрд╖ рд╡ рдЕрдбрдерд│े рд╕рдордЬूрди рдпेрддाрдд.
3. рдЧрд░्рднाрд╢рдпाрддीрд▓ рдЕंрддрд░्рдд्рд╡рдЪेрдЪा рдкोрдд рд╡ рд░рдХ्рддрд╡ाрд╣िрди्рдпा рд╕рдХ्рд╖рдо рдЖрд╣ेрдд рдХा рдиाрд╣ीрдд рд╣े рдкाрд╣िрд▓े рдЬाрддे.
4. рд╕ंрдк्рд░ेрд░рдХाрдЪा рд╕рдорддोрд▓ рдЖрд╣े рдХिंрд╡ा рдиाрд╣ी рд╣े ‘рд╣ाрд░्рдоोрдирд▓ рдЕ‍ॅрд╕े‘ рд╡рд░ूрди рд╕рдордЬрддे.
5. рдЗрддрд░ рдХाрд╣ी рд╡िрд╢िрд╖्рдЯ рддрдкाрд╕рдгी (рдЗрдо्рдпुрдиोेрд▓ॉрдЬिрдХрд▓ рдЯेрд╕्рдЯрд╕्)
рдпा рд╕рд░्рд╡ рддрдкाрд╕рдг्рдпा рдХेрд▓्рдпाрд╡рд░ рджोрд╖ рдХрд│ूрди рдпेрддो. рдкрд░ंрддु рдпा рд╕рд░्рд╡ рддрдкाрд╕рдг्рдпा рдПрдХाрдЪ рд╡ेрд│ी рдХрд░рддा рдпेрдд рдиाрд╣ीрдд. рдд्рдпा рд╡िрд╢िрд╖्рдЯ рд╡ेрд│ीрдЪ рдХрд░ाрд╡्рдпा рд▓ाрдЧрддाрдд. 5 рдЯрдХ्рдХे рдЬोрдбрдк्рдпांрдордз्рдпे рд╕рдЧрд│्рдпा рдЯेрд╕्рдЯрд╕् рдиॉрд░्рдорд▓ рдЕрд╕ूрдирд╣ी рдд्рдпांрдиा рдоूрд▓ рд╣ोрдд рдиाрд╣ी. рдпाрд▓ा рдЕрдиाрдХрд▓рдиीрдп рд╡ंрдз्рдпрдд्рд╡ рдо्рд╣рдгрддाрдд.
рд╢ाрд░ीрд░िрдХ рджोрд╖, рд╢ाрд░ीрд░िрдХ рдХрдордЬोрд░ी, рдЗंрдж्рд░िрдпांрдЪ्рдпा рдХाрд░्рдпाрддीрд▓ рди्рдпूрдирддा рдпा рдХाрд░рдгांрдоुрд│े рд╡ंрдз्рдпрдд्рд╡ рдпेрдК рд╢рдХрддे. рдХाрд╣ी рд╡िрд╢िрд╖्рдЯ рдЖрдЬाрд░ांрдоुрд│े рд╢рд░ीрд░ рдХрдордЬोрд░ рдмрдирддे. рдкрд░рдоा, рдЧрд░рдоी, рдмीрдЬрд╡ाрд╣рдХ рдирд▓िрдХा рджाрд╣, рдкंрдбुрд░ोрдЧ, рдоुрд▓ाрд▓ा рдЬрди्рдо рджेрдгाрд░्‍рдпा рдЗंрдж्рд░рдпांрдЪी рдХ्рд╖рдорддा рдХрдоी рдЭाрд▓्рдпाрдоुрд│े, рдмीрдЬрдЧ्рд░ंрдеीрдЪे рдХाрд░्рдп рдмिрдШрдбрд▓्рдпाрдоुрд│े, рд▓рда्рдардкрдгाрдоुрд│े рд╡ंрдз्рдпрдд्рд╡ рдпेрдК рд╢рдХрддे. рднाрд╡рдиिрдХ рддाрдгрддрдгाрд╡, рджрдбрдкрдг, рдоाрдирд╕िрдХ рджुрд░्рдмрд▓рддा, рднीрддी рдХाрд│рдЬी рд╣ी рдХाрд░рдгे рд╡ंрдз्рдпрдд्рд╡ाрд▓ा рдЖрдоंрдд्рд░рдг рдард░рддाрдд.
рд╣ोрдоिрдУрдкॅрдеीрдХ рдЙрдкрдЪाрд░- рд╕्рдд्рд░ी рдкुрд░ूрд╖ांрдЪ्рдпा рд╡ंрдз्рдпрдд्рд╡рдХाрд░рдгाрдиुрд╕ाрд░ рддрд╕ेрдЪ рдк्рд░рдХृрддीрдоाрдиाрдиुрд╕ाрд░ рдЙрдкрдЪाрд░ рдХрд░рддा рдпेрддाрдд. рд╡ाрдирдЧीрджाрдЦрд▓ рдХाрд╣ी рдЙрджाрд╣рд░рдгे рджेрддा рдпेрддीрд▓.
1. рд╡्рд╣िрдмрд░्рдирдо рдУрдк्рдпрд▓рд╕- рдЧрд░्рднाрд╢рдпाрдЪा рджाрд╣, рдЧрд░्рднрдзाрд░рдгा рдЭाрд▓्рдпाрд╡рд░ рдкрд╣िрд▓्рдпा рдкंрдзрд░ा рджिрд╡рд╕ाрддрдЪ рдЧрд░्рднрдкाрдд рд╣ोрдгे, рдЕрддिрд╢рдп рдЕрд╢рдХ्рддрдкрдгा.
2. рдХोрдиिрдпрдо- рд╕्рдд्рд░ीрдмीрдЬрдХोрд╖ाрдордз्рдпे рдЕрд░्рдзрд╡рдЯ рд╡ाрдвीрдЪी рдмीрдЬे рд╕ाрдЯрдаूрди рд░ाрд╣рдгे, рдкांрдврд░ा, рдЪिрдХрдЯ рдк्рд░рджрд░, рдЧрд░्рднाрд╢рдпाрдЪ्рдпा рджोрди्рд╣ी рдмाрдЬूрд▓ा рджुрдЦрдгे, рдоाрд╕िрдХ рдкाрд│рднрдЪ्рдпा рдЖрдзी рд╡ рдкाрд│ीрдЪ्рдпा рд╡ेрд│ी рд╕्рддрдиाрдордз्рдпे рджुрдЦрдгे, рдЪрдХ्рдХрд░ рдпेрдгे.
3. рдк्рд▓ंрдмрдо рдоेрдЯ- рдоाрд╕िрдХ рдкрд│ी рдЕрддिрд╢рдп рдЕрдиिрдпрдоिрдд, рдЙрд╢िрд░ा рдпेрдгे, рд╕्рд░ाрд╡ рдЕрдд्рдпंрдд рдХрдоी рдЕрд╕рдгे, рдЧрд░्рднрдзाрд░рдгा рд╣ोрдг्рдпाрд╕ाрдаी рдЖрд╡рд╢्рдпрдХ рд╣ाрд░्рдоोрди्рд╕рдЪी рдХрдорддрд░рддा.
4. рдоँрдб्рд░ाрдЧोрд░ा- рдХोрдгрдд्рдпाрд╣ी рдк्рд░рдХाрд░рдЪा рджोрд╖ рдирд╕рддाрдиा рдпेрдгाрд░े рдЕрдиाрдХрд▓рдиीрдп рд╡ंрдз्рдпрдд्рд╡.
5. рдЕ‍ॅрдЧ्рдирд╕рдХॅрд╕्рдЯрд░्рд╕- рдкुрд░ूрд╖ांрдордзीрд▓ рджोрд╖ाрд╕ाрдаी
6. рд╕рдмрд▓ рд╕ेрд░ूрд▓ाрдЯा- рд╢ुрдХ्рд░рдЬंрддूрдЪ्рдпा рдмрд▓рд╡рд░्рдзрдиाрд╕ाрдаी рдЙрдкрдпुрдХ्рдд.
рд╣ोрдоिрдУрдкॅрдеी рд╣े рдПрдХ рдЕрдиुрднрд╡рд╕िрдз्рдж рд╡ैрдж्рдпрдХрд╢ाрд╕्рдд्рд░ рдЖрд╣े. рдпाрдЪी рдЙрдкрдпोрдЧ рдлрдХ्рдд рд╡ाрдЪूрди рдРрдХूрди рдХрд░рддा рдпेрдг्рдпाрд╕ाрд░рдЦा рдиाрд╣ी. рдд्рдпाрд╕ाрдаी рдЕрдиुрднрд╡ी- рддрдЬ्рдЬ्рдЮांрдЪी рдорджрдд рдШ्рдпाрдЪрд╡ीрдЪ рд▓ाрдЧрддे. рддрд░рдЪ рдЕрдкेрдХ्рд╖िрдд рдкрд░िрдгाрдо рд╕ाрдзрддा рдпेрддाрдд. рдпा рдЙрдкрдЪाрд░ांрдиी рдЕрдЧрджी рдЪाрд│ीрд╢ी рдЬрд╡рд│ рдЖрд▓ेрд▓्рдпा рдЬोрдбрдк्рдпांрдиाрд╣ी рдЕрдкрдд्рдпрдк्рд░ाрдк्рддी рдЭाрд▓ेрд▓ी рдЖрд╣े. рд▓рдЧ्рди рд╣ोрдКрди 15-20 рд╡рд░्рд╖े рд╣ोрдКрдирд╣ी рдиिрд░ाрд╢ рджांрдкрдд्рдпांрдиा рдЦрдЪिрддрдЪ рдЧुрдг рдпेрдК рд╢рдХрддो.
1. рд╡рдбाрдЪी рдоुрд│े- рдЬेрд╡्рд╣ा рдПрдЦाрдж्рдпा рд╕्рдд्рд░ीрдордз्рдпे рдХुрдард▓ाрд╣ी рдЬрди्рдордЬाрдд рджोрд╖ рдирд╕рддो рддेрд╡्рд╣ा рд╡рдбाрдЪ्рдпा рдХोрд╡рд│्рдпा рдоुрд│ांрдЪा рдЙрдкрдЪाрд░ рдЙрдкрдпुрдХ्рдд рдЕрд╕рддो. рдоुрд│े рд╕ाрд╡рд▓ीрдд рд╡ाрд│рд╡ूрди рдкूрдб рдХрд░ाрд╡ी. 20 рдЧ्рд░ॅрдо рдкूрдб рдкाрдКрдг рдХрдк рджुрдзाрддूрди рд░ोрдЬ рд░ाрдд्рд░ी рдЕрд╕े рддीрди рд░ाрдд्рд░ी рд╣े рдоिрд╢्рд░рдг рдШ्рдпाрд╡े. рд╣ा рдЙрдкрдЪाрд░ рдоाрд╕िрдХ рдкाрд│ीрдЪ्рдпा рдкाрдЪрд╡्рдпा рджिрд╡рд╕ाрдкाрд╕ूрди рдХрд░ाрд╡ा. рджрд░ рдорд╣िрди्рдпाрд▓ा рд╣ा рдЙрдкрдЪाрд░ा рдХрд░ाрд╡ा.
2. рдЬांрднрд│ाрдЪी рдкाрдиे- рд╕्рдд्рд░ीрдмीрдЬ рдЧ्рд░ंрдеीрдордз्рдпे рджोрд╖ рдЕрд╕ेрд▓ рддрд░ рдЬांрднрд│ाрдЪ्рдпा рдкाрдиाрдЪा рдХाрдвा рдЧुрдгрдХाрд░ी рдЖрд╣े. 20 рдЧ्рд░ॅрдо рддाрдЬी рдкाрдиे рдкाрд╡ рд▓िрдЯрд░ рдкाрдг्рдпाрдд рдЙрдХрд│ाрд╡ीрдд. рдЖрдЯрд╡ूрди рджोрди рдЪрдордЪे рдордз рдХिंрд╡ा 200 рдоिрд▓ी рддाрдХ рдоिрд╕рд│ूрди рд╣ा рдХाрдвा рдк्рдпाрд╡ा.
3. рд╡िंрдЯрд░рдЪेрд░ी- рд╡ंрдз्рдпрдд्рд╡ाрд╡рд░ рд╣ी рд╡рдирд╕्рдкрддी рдЧुрдгрдХाрд░ी рдЖрд╣े. 6 рдЧ्рд░ॅрдо рдкूрдб рдХрдкрднрд░ рджूрдзाрддूрди рдоाрд╕ि рдкाрд│ीрдиंрддрд░ рдкाрдЪ рддे рд╕рд╣ा рджिрд╡рд╕ рд░ाрдд्рд░ी рдк्рдпाрд╡े.
рдпोрдЧाрд╕рдиे- рдк्рд░рдЬрдирди рдЕрд╡рдпрд╡ांрдЪे рдХाрд░्рдп рдЪांрдЧрд▓्рдпा рдкрдз्рджрддीрдиे рд╣ोрдг्рдпाрд╕ाрдаी рд╕рд░्рд╡ांрдЧाрд╕рди, рдордд्рд╕्рдпाрд╕рди, рдЕрд░्рдзрдордд्рд╕्рдпेंрдж्рд░िрдпाрд╕рди, рдкрд╢्‍рдЪिрдоोрдд्рддाрд╕рди, рд╢рд▓рднाрд╕рди рд╣ी рдЖрд╕рдиे рдЙрдкрдпोрдЧी рдкрдбрддाрдд.
рдЙрдд्рддрдо рдЖрд╣ाрд░, рдЙрдд्рддрдо рд╡िрд╣ाрд░, рд╕्рд╡рдЪ्рдЫрддेрдЪी рд╕рд╡рдп рдоाрдлрдХ рд╡िрд╢्рд░ांрддी рд╡ рдЙрдд्рд╕ाрд╣рдкूрд░्рдг рдЬीрд╡рди рдЬрдЧрдг्рдпाрдЪी рдЗрдЪ्рдЫा, рд╣ोрдоिрдУрдкॅрдеीрдХ рдЙрдкрдЪाрд░ рдпा рдЙрдкाрдпांрдиी рд╡ंрдз्рдпрдд्рд╡ाрд╡рд░ рдоाрдд рдХрд░рддा рдпेрддे.

 (рдЭрд╢рд░्рд╢्рд░ींрд│рд▓ рд│рдкрд╖рд╢्рд░рд░ााрд░ीेीूं рдКрд│ीрд╢рд░рдбрдПрдб- рдЭрдЦрдК)
рдЧрд░्рднाрд╢рдп, рдЙрдЬрд╡ी рд╡ рдбाрд╡ी рдмीрдЬрд╡ाрд╣рдХ рдирд▓िрдХा, рдЖрдЬूрдмाрдЬूрд▓ा рдЕрд╕рдгाрд░े рдмीрдЬрдХोрд╖, рдпोрдиीрдоाрд░्рдЧ рдЕрд╢ा рд╕рдоूрд╣ाрд▓ा рдЬрдирдирдХोрд╖ рдо्рд╣рдгрддा рдпेрддे рдЖрдгि рдпा рднाрдЧांрдЪ्рдпा рджाрд╣ाрд▓ा рдЬрдирдирдХोрд╖рджाрд╣ рдЕрд╕े рдПрдХрдд्рд░िрдд рд╕ंрдмोрдзрддा рдпेрддे.
1. рдЧрд░्рднрдкाрдд рдЭाрд▓्рдпाрдоुрд│े, рдЧрд░्рднाрд╢рдп рдоुрдЦ рд░ूंрдж рдЭाрд▓्рдпाрдоुрд│े рдЬंрддूрд╕ंрд╕рд░्рдЧ рд╣ोрддो.
2. рдк्рд░рд╕ूрддीрдкрд╢्‍рдЪाрдд рдЕрд╕्рд╡рдЪ्рдЫрддेрдоुрд│े рдХिंрд╡ा рдЪिрдордЯा рд╡рдЧैрд░ेंрдиी рдк्рд░рд╕ूрддी рдХेрд▓्рдпाрдиंрддрд░ рдЬंрддूрд╕ंрд╕рд░्рдЧ рд╣ोрдКрди рджाрд╣ рд╣ोрддो.
3. рдЧрд░्рднрдиिрд░ोрдзрдХाрдЪ्рдпा рд╡ाрдкрд░ाрдоुрд│े рджाрд╣ рд╣ोрддो.
4. рд╣ाрд░्рдоोрди्рд╕рдЪ्рдпा рдЙрддाрд░рдЪрдвाрд╡ाрдоुрд│े рдмीрдЬрдХोрд╖ाрдд рдкाрдг्рдпाрдЪ्рдпा рдХिंрд╡ा рд░рдХ्рддाрдЪ्рдпा рдЧाрдаी рддрдпाрд░ рд╣ोрдКрди рджाрд╣ рд╣ोрдК рд╢рдХрддो.
5. рдЧрд░्рднाрд╢рдпाрдд рдЧाрдаी рд╣ोрдгे, рдХрд░्рдХрд░ोрдЧ рд╣ोрдгे, рдЬрдирдирдХोрд╖ाрдЪा рдХ्рд╖рдг рдЗ. рдХाрд░рдгाрд╕्рддрд╡ рджाрд╣ рд╣ोрдК рд╢рдХрддो.
6. рдЧрд░्рднाрд╢рдп рдн्рд░ंрд╢ рдЕрд░्рдеाрдд рдЕंрдЧ рдмाрд╣ेрд░ рдкрдбрдгे рд╣ेрд╕ुрдз्рджा рдХ्рд╡рдЪिрдд рдХाрд░рдг рдард░ू рд╢рдХрддे.
рдХाрд░рдгाрдкрд░рдд्рд╡े рд▓рдХ्рд╖рдгे рдЖрдврд│ूрди рдпेрддाрдд. рд╕ाрдзाрд░рдг рддाрдк рдпेрдгे, рдбोрдХेрджुрдЦी, рдЕрд╢рдХ्рддрдкрдгा, рднूрдХ рдоंрджाрд╡рдгे, рдХंрдмрд░ рд╡ рдУрдЯीрдкोрдЯाрдд рджुрдЦрдгे рд╣ी рд╕ाрдоाрди्рдп рд▓рдХ्рд╖рдгे рдЖрдврд│ूрди рдпेрддाрддрдЪ, рд╢िрд╡ाрдп рдХ्рд╡рдЪिрдд рдЦाрдЬ, рдХंрдб рдкрдбрдгे, рдкोрдЯाрдд рдПрдХрд╕ाрд░рдЦी рдХрд│ рдпेрдгे, рдбाрд╡्рдпा рдХिंрд╡ा рдЙрдЬрд╡्рдпा рдмाрдЬूрд▓ा рджुрдЦрдгे, рдкाрдп рдоांрдб्рдпा рднрд░ूрди рдпेрдгे, рдЕंрдЧाрд╡рд░ рдкांрдврд░े рдЬाрдгे, рдоाрд╕िрдХ рдкाрд│ीрдЪ्рдпा рддрдХ्рд░ाрд░ी рдЬाрдгрд╡рдгे рдЕрд╢ी рд╡िрд╢िрд╖्рдЯ рд▓рдХ्рд╖рдгेрд╣ी рджिрд╕ूрди рдпेрддाрдд. рдЕंрдЧाрд╡рд░ рд░рдХ्рддрд╕्рд░ाрд╡ рдЦूрдк рдк्рд░рдоाрдгाрдд рдЬाрдКрди рдЕ‍ॅрдиेрдоिрдпा рд╣ोрдК рд╢рдХрддो. рдорд▓ाрд╡рд░ोрдз, рдорд│рдорд│, рдЙрд▓рдЯ्рдпा рд╣ोрдгे рдЕрд╢ी рд▓рдХ्рд╖рдгेрд╣ी рдЬाрдгрд╡ू рд╢рдХрддाрдд. рдЕрд╢ा рд╕्рдд्рд░ीрд▓ा рд╡ाрд░ंрд╡ाрд░ рдЧрд░्рднрдкाрддाрд▓ा рд╕ाрдоोрд░े рдЬाрд╡े рд▓ाрдЧрддे. рдХ्рд╡рдЪिрдд рд╡ंрдз्рдпрддрд╡рд╣ी рдпेрддे.
рдк्рд░ाрдердоिрдХ рдиिрджाрди рд╣े рдлрдХ्рдд рд▓рдХ्рд╖рдгे рд╡ рд╢ाрд░ीрд░िрдХ рддрдкाрд╕рдгी рдпाрд╡рд░ूрди рд╣ोрддेрдЪ. рдкрд░ंрддु рдаोрд╕ рдиिрджाрди рд╣ोрдг्рдпाрд╕ाрдаी рд╕ोрдиोрдЧ्рд░ाрдлी, рдкेрд╢ींрдЪी рдЙрддीрд╕рдоूрд╣ाрдЪी рддрдкाрд╕рдгी рдЖрд╡рд╢्рдпрдХ рдЕрд╕рддे.
рд░рдХ्рдд рд╡ рд▓рдШрд╡ीрдЪी рдЬोрдбрддрдкाрд╕рдгी рдиिрджाрди рдкрдХ्рдХे рдХрд░рдг्рдпाрд╕ाрдаी рдХрд░рдгे рдЖрд╡рд╢्рдпрдХ рдард░рддे.
рд╣ोрдоिрдУрдкॅрдеी- рдЙрдкрдЪाрд░ांрдордз्рдпे рд╕рд░्рд╡рдЪ ’рдкॅрдеी’ рдЪी рдорджрдд рдШ्рдпाрд╡ी рд▓ाрдЧрддे. рдкрд░ंрддु рдкрд░िрдкूрд░्рдг рд╢ाрд╕्рдд्рд░ рдлрдХ्рдд рд╣ोрдоिрдУрдкॅрдеीрдЪ рдЖрд╣े. рдХाрд░рдг рд╡िрдХाрд░ाрдЪी рдХाрд░рдгрдоीрдоांрд╕ा, рд▓рдХ्рд╖рдгрдоीрдоांрд╕ा, рд╡्рдпрдХ्рддी рдкрдбрддाрд│рдгी рдЭाрд▓्рдпाрд╢िрд╡ाрдп рдЙрдкрдЪाрд░ рдХрд░рддा рдпेрдд рдиाрд╣ीрдд. рдЖрдгि рдеाрддूрдирдоाрддूрд░ рдЙрдкрдЪाрд░ाрд▓ा рдЬाрдЧाрдЪ рд░ाрд╣рдд рдиाрд╣ी. рд╡्рдпрдХ्рддीрд╡िрд╢िрд╖्рдЯ рдФрд╖рдзे рджिрд▓्рдпाрдоुрд│े рд╡्рдпрдХ्рддीрд▓ा рдкूрд░्рдгрддः рд╡िрдХाрд░рдоुрдХ्рдд рд╣ोрддा рдпेрддрдЙ. рджुрд╖्рдкрд░िрдгाрдоांрдиा рд╡ाрд╡рдЪ рд░ाрд╣рдд рдиाрд╣ी рдЕрд╕ो. 
1. рдпुрд╕्рдЯीрд▓ॅрдЧो- рдмीрдХोрд╖рджाрд╣ाрд╡рд░ рдЙрдкрдпुрдХ्рдд рд╡िрд╢ेрд╖рддः рдбाрд╡्рдпा рдУрд╡्рд╣рд░ीрдордз्рдпे рд░рдХ्рдд рдЧाрда рдХिंрд╡ा рдкाрдг्рдпाрдЪी рдЧाрда рддрдпाрд░ рд╣ोрддे. рдУрдЯीрдкोрдЯाрдЪ्рдпा рдбाрд╡्рдпा рдмाрдЬूрд▓ा рдЕрд╕рд╣्рдп рд╡ेрджрдиा рд╣ोрддाрдд. рдкाрд│ीрдЪ्рдпा рд╡ेрд│ेрд╕ рдЦूрдк рдЕंрдЧाрд╡рд░ рдЬाрддे. рдорд╣िрдиोрди्рдорд╣िрдиे рд╕्рд░ाрд╡ рд╣ोрддो. рдЬрд░ा рд╣ाрд▓рдЪाрд▓ рдЭाрд▓ी рддрд░ी рд╕्рд░ाрд╡ рд╣ोрддो. рдЕрдЧрджी рдЧрд░्рднाрд╢рдп рдХाрдврдг्рдпाрдЪी рд╢рд╕्рдд्рд░рдХ्рд░िрдпा рдХрд░ूрди рдШेрдг्рдпाрдЪा рд╕рд▓्рд▓ा рджिрд▓ा рдЕрд╕рд▓ा рддрд░ी рдпा рдФрд╖рдзाрдиे рдд्рд░ाрд╕ рдкूрд░्рдг рдХрдоी рд╣ोрддो.
2. рд▓ॅрдХ рдХॅрдиीрдирдо- рдЙрдЬрд╡्рдпा рдмीрдЬрдХोрд╖ाрдЪा рджाрд╣, рдУрдЯीрдкोрдЯाрдд рднрдпंрдХрд░ рд╡ेрджрдиा, рдЕрдХ्рд╖рд░рд╢ः рдХाрдкрд▓्рдпाрд╕ाрд░рдЦ्рдпा рд╡ेрджрдиा, рдШрдЯ्рдЯ рдЧाрдаीрд╕ाрд░рдЦा рд╕्рд░ाрд╡, рдоाрд╕िрдХ рдкाрд│ीрдЪ्рдпा рддрдХ्рд░ाрд░ी рд╢्‍рд╡ेрддрдк्рд░рджрд░, рджाрд╣ рдЕрд╢ा рддрдХ्рд░ाрд░ीрд╡рд░ рдЙрдкрдпुрдХ्рдд.
3 рдХाрд░्рдмो рдЕ‍ॅрдиिрдоॅрд▓ीрд╕- рдоाрд╕िрдХ рдкाрд│ी рдЬрд╡рд│рдЬрд╡рд│ рдкंрдзрд░ाрдкंрдзрд░ा рджिрд╡рд╕ांрдиीрдп рдпेेрддे рдкрд░ंрддु рд╕्рд░ाрд╡ рдЬाрд╕्рдд рдЕрд╕рдд рдиाрд╣ी. рдЕрддिрд╢рдп рдЕрд╢рдХ्рддрдкрдгा, рдУрд▓рдг्рдпाрдЪीрд╣ी рд╢рдХ्рддी рд░ाрд╣рдд рдиाрд╣ी. рд╡िрд╢िрд╖्рдЯ рдХрд░्рдХрд░ोрдЧाрд╡рд░ рдЙрдкрдпुрдХ्рдд рдкिрд╡рд│рдЯ рдкांрдврд░ा рд╕्рд░ाрд╡. рдЕंрдЧाрддрд▓े рдд्рд░ाрдг рдЧेрд▓्рдпाрд╕ाрд░рдЦे рд╡ाрдЯрдгे рдЕрд╢ा рд▓рдХ्рд╖рдгांрд╡рд░ рдЙрдкрдпुрдХ्рдд.
рд╢рд╕्рдд्рд░рдХ्рд░िрдпा- рд╣ा рд╡िрдХाрд░ рдк्рд░рдЬрдирдирдХ्рд╖рдо рд╡рдпाрдд рд╣ोрдгाрд░ाрдЪ рдЖрд╣े. рддрд░ीрд╣ी рдХाрд╣ी рд╡ेрд│ा рдХाрд╣ी рд╡िрдХाрд░ांрд╡рд░ рдлрдХ्рдд рдФрд╖рдзोрдкрдЪाрд░ाрдиे рдЧुрдг рдпेрдгाрд░ा рдирд╕рддो. рдд्рдпाрд╡ेрд│ी рд╢рд╕्рдд्рд░рдХ्рд░िрдпेрдЪा рдЕрд╡рд▓ंрдм рдХрд░ाрд╡ाрдЪ рд▓ाрдЧрддो. рдд्рдпाрд╡ेрд│ी рдоाрдд्рд░ рд╡ेрд│ рд╣рд╡ рд╢्рд░рдо рд╡ाрдпा рди рдШाрд▓рд╡рддा рд╢рд╕्рдд्рд░рдХ्рд░िрдпेрд▓ा рд╕ाрдоोрд░े рдЬाрдгेрдЪ рд╢्рд░ेрдпрд╕्рдХрд░ рдард░рддे.
рдЧрд░्рднрдзाрд░рдгेрдкाрд╕ूрди рдк्рд░рд╕ूрддीрдкрд░्рдпрдд рдЧрд░ोрджрд░рдирдкрдгाрдЪा рдХाрд│ рд╣ा рдирдК рдорд╣िрдиे рд╕ाрдд рджिрд╡рд╕ рдХिंрд╡ा 36 рддे 38 рдЖрдард╡рдб्рдпांрдЪा рдЕрд╕рддो. рдд्рдпाрдЖрдзी рдо्рд╣рдгрдЬे рд╕ाрдд рдорд╣िрди्рдпांрдЪ्рдпा рдЖрдд рдХिंрд╡ा 28 рдЖрдард╡рдб्рдпांрдЪ्рдпा рдЖрдд рдЬрд░ рдЧрд░्рдн рдЧрд░्рднाрд╢рдпाрддूрди рдмाрд╣ेрд░ рдкрдбрд▓ा рддрд░ рдд्рдпाрд▓ा рдЧрд░्рднрдкाрдд рдо्рд╣рдЯрд▓े рдЬाрддे. рдкрд╣िрд▓्рдпा 12 рдЖрдард╡рдб्рдпाрддрдЪ рдпाрдЪा рдзोрдХा рд╡ рдк्рд░рдоाрдг рдЬाрд╕्рдд рдЕрд╕рддे. рдХाрд╣ी рд░ूрдЧ्рдзाрдордз्рдпे рд╡ाрд░ंрд╡ाрд░ рдЕрд╕ा рдк्рд░рдХाрд░ рдШрдбрд▓्рдпाрдиे рд╡ंрдз्рдпрдд्рд╡ рдпेрдК рд╢рдХрддे.
рд▓рдХ्рд╖рдгे- рдк्рд░рд╕ूрддीрд╕рджृрд╢ рд╡ेрджрдиा рд╡ рд░рдХ्рддрд╕्рд░ाрд╡ рд╣ोрдКрди рдЧрд░्рдн рдЧрд░्рднाрд╢рдпाрддूрди рдмाрд╣ेрд░ рдкрдЙрддो. рдХंрдмрд░ рд╡ рдУрдЯीрдкोрдЯाрдд рдЕрд╕рд╣्рдп рд╡ेрджрдиा рд╣ोрддाрдд. рдеोрдб्рдпाрдеोрдб्рдпा рдк्рд░рдоाрдгाрдд рд░рдХ्рддрд╕्рд░ाрд╡ рдЪाрд▓ू рд╣ोрдКрди рдордЧ рд╡ाрдврдд рдЬाрддो. рдХ्рд╡рдЪिрдд рд░ूрдЧ्рдг рджрдЧाрд╡рдг्рдпाрдЪीрд╣ी рд╢рдХ्рдпрддा рдЕрд╕рддे.
рдХाрд░рдгे- 1. рдЧрд░्рднाрд╢рдп рд░рдЪрдиाрджोрд╖ рдХिंрд╡ा рд░рдЪрдиाрд╡्рдпंрдЧ (рджुрднंрдЧрд▓ेрд▓े рдХिंрд╡ा рджुрддोंрдбी рдЧрд░्рднाрд╢рдп)
2. рд╣ाрдпрдкोрдеॉрдпрд░ाрдИрдбрдЬрдо
3. рдк्рд░ोрдЬेрд╕्рдЯेрд░ॉрдирдЪी рдХрдорддрд░рддा
4. рд╣्рдпूрдорди рдЧोрдиाрдбोрдЯ्рд░ॉрдлिрди (рдПрдЪрд╕ीрдЬी) рд╣ाрд░्рдоोрдирдЪी рдХрдорддрд░рддा
5. ’рд╡ाрд░े’ рдкाрд╕ूрди рддрдпाрд░ рд╣ोрдгाрд░्‍рдпा рдШрдЯрдХांрдЪी рд╡ рд░рдХ्рддрдкुрд░рд╡рда्рдпाрдЪी рдХрдорддрд░рддा.
6. рдХाрд╣ी рдард░ाрд╡िрдХ рдФрд╖рдзांрдЪ्рдпा рдЪुрдХीрдЪ्рдпा рд╡ाрдкрд░ाрдоुрд│े
7. рд╢ाрд░ीрд░िрдХ рд╡ рдоाрдирд╕िрдХ рдзрдХ्рдХ्рдпाрдоुрд│े
8. рд╢ाрд░ीрд░िрдХ рд╕ंрдмंрдзाрдоुрд│े
9. рдХाрд╣ी рд╡िрд╢िрд╖्рдЯ рд░ोрдЧ, рдЙрдЪ्рдЪ рд░рдХ्рддрджाрдм, рдоूрдд्рд░рдкिंрдб рдиिрдХाрдоी рд╣ोрдгे, рдордзुрдоेрд╣, рдоाрдирд╕िрдХ рдЖрдЬाрд░ рдпाрдоुрд│े
10. рдЧрд░्рднाрд╢рдпाрдд рдЧाрдаी рдЕрд╕рд▓्рдпाрдоुрд│े
11. рдЧрд░्рднाрдордз्рдпेрдЪ рд╡्рдпंрдЧ рдХिंрд╡ा рди्рдпूрди рдЕрд╕рд▓्рдпाрдоुрд│े рдЧрд░्рднрдкाрдд рд╣ोрдК рд╢рдХрддो.
рдиिрджाрди- рд░рдХ्рдд, рд▓рдШрд╡ी рдпांрдЪी рд╕ुрд╕ूрдд्рд░ рддрдкाрд╕рдгी, рд░рдХ्рддрд╢рд░्рдХрд░ा, рд░рдХ्рддрджाрдм рддрдкाрд╕рдгी, рд░рдХ्рддрдЧрдЯ (рдкрддी рдкрдд्рдиी рджोрд╣ोंрдЪाрд╣ी), рдПрдЪрдЖрд╡्рд╣ी, рдкांрдврд░ी рдХाрд╡ीрд│, рдкрд░рдоा, рд╕ोрдиोрдЧ्рд░ाрдлी рдпा рд╕рд░्рд╡ рддрдкाрд╕рдг्рдпा рдЖрдЬрдЪ्рдпा рдзрдХाрдзрдХीрдЪ्рдпा рд╡ рдиाрдЬूрдХ рдХाрд│ाрдордз्рдпे рдЖрд╡рд╢्рдпрдХрдЪ рдард░рд▓्рдпा рдЖрд╣ूрдд.
рдЙрдкрдЪाрд░- рдЧрд░्рднрдкाрддाрдЪे рдХाрд░рдг рдПрдХрджा ाрдирдХ्рдХी рдЭाрд▓े рдХी рд╕ंрднाрд╡्рдп рдЕрд╕рдгाрд░ा рдЧрд░्рднрдкाрддрд╕ुрдз्рджा рдеांрдмрд╡рддा рдпेрдК рд╢рдХрддो. рдкрд░ंрддु рдеांрдмрд╡рддा рди рдЖрд▓्рдпाрд╕ рд╡ैрдж्рдпрдХिрдп рдкрд░िрдоाрдгाрдд рд╣ी рдк्рд░рдХ्рд░िрдпा рдкूрд░्рдг рдХрд░ाрд╡ी рд▓ाрдЧрддे. (рдоेрдбिрдХрд▓ рдЯрд░्рдоिрдиेрд╢рди рдСрдл рдк्рд░ेрдЧ्рдирди्рд╕ी, рдПрдордЯीрдкी) рддрд╕े рди рдХेрд▓्рдпाрд╕ рд░ूрдЧ्рдг рджрдЧाрд╡рддो. рд╣े рд╢рд╕्рдд्рд░рдХ्рд░िрдпेрдиे рдХिंрд╡ा рдирд╡ीрди рдЖрд▓ेрд▓्рдпा рдФрд╖рдзी рдЧोрд│्рдпांрдиीрд╣ी рд╕ाрдзрддा рдпेрддे.
1. рд╕рдмीрдиा- рддिрд╕рд░्‍рдпा рдорд╣िрди्рдпाрдд рд╣ोрдгाрд░्‍рдпा рдЧрд░्рднрдкाрддाрд╡рд░ рдЙрдкрдпुрдХ्рдд. рдЕрддिрд╢рдп рдШрдЯ्рдЯ, рдЧाрдаीрдпुрдХ्рдд рд░рдХ्рддрд╕्рд░ाрд╡, рд╡ेрджрдиाрджाрдпрдХ рд╣ाрд▓рдЪाрд▓ рдЕрд╕рд╣्рдп рд╡ेрджрдиा.
2. рдЕрдХोрдиाрдИрдЯ- рдХрдоाрд▓ीрдЪ्рдпा рднीрддीрдоुрд│े рд╣ोрдгाрд░्‍рдпा рдд्рд░ाрд╕ाрд╡рд░.
3. рдеाрдпрд░ॉрдИрдбिрдирдо्- рд╣ाрдпрдкोрдеाрдЗрд░ॉрдИрдбрдоुрд│े рд╣ोрдгाрд░्‍рдпा рдЧрд░्рднрдкाрддाрд╡рд░ рдЙрдкрдпुрдХ्рдд
4. рдЯ्рд░िрд▓ीрдпрдо- рд╣ोрдгाрд░ा рдЧрд░्рднрдкाрдд рдеांрдмрд╡рдг्рдпाрд╕ाрдаी
5. рдлेрд░рдо рдоेрдЯ- рдЕрд╢рдХ्рдд, рдмाрд░ीрдХ рд░ूрдЧ्рдгांрд╕ाрдаी рдЙрдкрдпुрдХ्рдд
6. рдЕрд▓ेрдЯ्рд░िрд╕ рдлेрд░िрдиोрд╕ा- рд╡ाрд░ंрд╡ाрд░ рдЧрд░्рднрдкाрдд рд╣ोрдКрди рд╡ंрдз्рдпрдд्рд╡ рдЖрд▓्рдпाрд╕ рдЙрдкрдпोрдЧी
7. рдбीрдПрдирдП- рдХोрдгрдд्рдпाрд╣ी рдк्рд░рдХाрд░рдЪ्рдпा рдЧрд░्рднрдкाрддाрд╡рд░ рдЙрдкрдпुрдХ्рдд. рдЧрд░्рднрдкाрдд рдЯाрд│рдг्рдпाрд╕ाрдаी рд╣ोрдд рдЕрд╕рд▓ेрд▓ा рдеांрдмрд╡рдг्рдпाрд╕ाрдаी рддрд╕ेрдЪ рд╡ाрд░ंрд╡ाрд░ рд╣ोрдгाрд░ी рдк्рд░рдХ्рд░िрдпा рдеांрдмрд╡рдг्рдпाрд╕ाрдаी рдЕрд╢ी рд╕рд░्рд╡рдЪ рдк्рд░рдХाрд░рдЪी рдФрд╖рдзे рд╣ोрдоिрдУрдкॅрдеीрдордз्рдпे рдЙрдкрд▓рдм्рдз рдЖрд╣ेрдд.
рдиिрд╕рд░्рдЧोрдкрдЪाрд░- рдЖрд╡рд│ा рдПрдХ рдЪрдордЪा рдЖрд╡рд│рдпाрдЪा рд░рд╕ рд╡ рдордз рд░ोрдЬ рд╕рдХाрд│ी рдЧрд░्рднрдзाрд░рдг рдЭाрд▓्рдпाрдкाрд╕ूрди рдШेрддрд▓्рдпाрд╕ рдЧрд░्рднрд╕ंрд░рдХ्рд╖рдг рд╣ोрддे. рдХोрдгрдд्рдпाрд╣ी рдк्рд░рдХाрд░рдЪा рд╕ंрд╕рд░्рдЧ рд╣ोрдд рдиाрд╣ी рд╢िрд╡ाрдп рдЖрд╡рд│्рдпाрдоुрд│े рдЖрд╣ाрд░ाрддीрд▓ рд▓ोрд╣ाрдЪे рдкрдЪрди рдЙрдд्рддрдо рдк्рд░рдХाрд░े рд╣ोрддे.
рдХрд░рдбрдИ- рдХрд░рдбрдИрдЪ्рдпा рдкाрд▓्рдпाрдЪा рдХाрдвाрд╕ुрдз्рджा рдЦूрдк рдЧुрдгрдХाрд░ी рдЖрд╣े.
рдЗрддрд░ рд╢ाрд░ीрд░िрдХ рд╡िрд╢्рд░ांрддी, рдоाрдирд╕िрдХ рд╕ौрдХ्рд╖्рдп, рдЧрд░ोрджрд░рдкрдгी рд╡िрд╢ेрд╖рддः рдкрд╣िрд▓्рдпा рдкाрдЪ рдорд╣िрди्рдпाрдд рдлाрд░ рдЖрд╡рд╢्рдпрдХ рдЕрд╕рддे. рдоाрдлрдХ рд╡्рдпाрдпाрдо, рдпोрдЧ्рдп рдЖрд╣ाрд░, рд╢ांрдд рджिрдирдЪрд░्рдпा рдпांрдЪा рдЦрдЪिрддрдЪ рдЙрдкрдпोрдЧ рд╣ोрддो. рдкрд╣िрд▓्рдпा рддीрди рдорд╣िрди्рдпाрдд рдлोрд▓िрдХ рдЕ‍ॅрд╕िрдбрдЪ्рдпा рдкाрдЪ рдоि. рдЧ्рд░ॅ рдЪ्рдпा рдЧोрд│्рдпा рдШेрддрд▓्рдпाрдиे рдмाрд│ाрдЪ्рдпा рдоेंрджूрдЪाрд╣ी рд╡िрдХा рд╣ोрддो. рд╢िрд╡ाрдп рдЧрд░ोрджрд░рдкрдгрд╣ी рд╡्рдпрд╡рд╕्рдеिрдд рд╕ांрднाрд│рд▓े рдЬाрддे. рдкूрд░्рдг рдЧрд░ोрджрд░рдкрдгाрдд рд╡ैрдж्рдпрдХिрдп рд╕рд▓्рд▓्рдпाрдиे рдкोрд╖рдХे рдШेрдгे рдЖрдЬрдЪ्рдпा рдХाрд│ाрдд рдЕрддिрд╢рдп рдЖрд╡рд╢्рдпрдХ рдЖрд╣े.