- Infertility
Every living being yearns to produce his progeny. In case of humans, this feeling is stronger among women. However, not everything that a human being wishes, is fulfilled. 5 out of 100 couples face infertility problems. The main problem is that of the complications arising out of social, familial and religious customs and traditions. King Dashratha also conducted a Putrakameshti yagnya to beget a child. The desire to bear children results in the cases like the Manvat killings. A childless couple, especially the women, faces a lot of ridicule in society. Hence, infertility has utmost importance in human life. She gets an inferiority complex. Before blaming such women, it is necessary to understand the process of conception and the scientific perspective behind it.
It takes three important factors for child bearing: Conception of the egg and the sperm, impregnation of the embryo into the uterus and its nurture for 9 months in the uterus and then delivery of a fully developed baby. Any obstacle or ailment developed in this process results in the inability to conceive. Around 5 to 10 % of the couples face this problem. Normally, a couple has to try for a few months to conceive and most succeed in about a year. If you don’t conceive even after trying for a year, then you need to consult a doctor for check- up.
It is important that both the husband and the wife desirous of having a baby, undergo check-up. It is applicable when trying for the first baby or even when they have one baby and are trying for another one. This is because over time, there can be physical changes due to age, circumstances and ailments, etc. The reproductive organs and the system itself may undergo changes. Hence, it is important that both of them are present for the tests.
Reasons for infertility-
Male factors:
- Lack of sperms altogether
- Less quantity of sperms
- Low motility of sperms
- Dead sperms
- Impotency or physiological defects
Female factors:
- No egg formation
- Irregular egg formation ( PCOD)
- Lack of information about intercourse
- Inflammation of vaginal tract or uterine opening.
- Under-developed uterus or total absence of uterus
- Inflammation of uterus (T.B., Fibroids, Cysts)
- Blocked Fallopian tubes
- Hormonal imbalance
- Unknown cause, which means infertility for no obvious reasons
It is important that the male also undergoes tests to determine the cause of infertility. Even today, it is the woman who is held responsible for the inability to conceive. These tests enable the doctors to completely assess the reproductive capacity of the couple.
Tests for males:
- Sperm test (Semen analysis)
- Blood test, especially for Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
Tests for females:
- Follicular study: Sonography for ovarian follicle monitoring or test to determine formation of eggs
- Fallopian Tube test: Laparoscopy, Hysteroscopy- a test done with the help of a Laparoscope through the stomach or the vagina
Hysterosalpingography- An X-Ray that is taken by inserting specific Dyes in the uterus. This enables determine blockages, if any, in the Uetrus and the Fallopian tubes
- It is also determined if the Uterine lining is well developed and whether the blood vessels are functioning properly
- Hormonal Assay helps determine hormonal balance
- Other specific tests- Immunological tests
All these tests help determine the problem. However, all these tests cannot be done at the same time but on certain days of the menstrual cycle only. In case of about 5% of the couples, they fail to conceive even though all the tests are normal.
Infertility can be a result of physical defects, weakness or erectile dysfunction. In certain diseases, the body becomes weak. Diseases like syphilis,gonorrhea(parama, garami in local language) Inflammation of Fallopian tubes, Anemia, incapacity of reproductive organs, defects in ovaries or obesity can result in infertility. Mental stress, mental weakness, fear, worry are also some other reasons for the same.
Treatment for infertility begins after proper diagnosis of the reasons for infertility. Some couples fail to conceive even after Laparoscopy, IUI (Intra Uterine Insemination) or even Test Tube Baby (IVF). Conception does not occur even though there is some minor defect in both of them. Homeopathy is a boon for such couples. We can quote numerous examples of couples who have availed Homeopathic treatment for infertility and have successfully conceived. These include those with Female problems, Male problems, frequent miscarriages, with a single tube functional, hormonal imbalance, with Bicornuate Uterus ( Split uterus) or even those with no known defects who have successfully conceived a baby.
Homeopathic Treatment-
Treatment can be planned depending on the reason of infertility and as per their individual physiology. Here are some examples.
- Viburnum opulus- Inflammation of the uterus, miscarriage within 15 days of conception, extreme weakness
- Conium- Accumulation of underdeveloped follicles in the ovaries, whitish sticky discharge, pain on both sides of the uterus, pain in the breasts before and during menstruation and giddiness.
- Plumbum met- irregular menstruation, delayed and with less flow; lack of hormones required for conception
- Mandragora- For infertility due to no known cause
- Agnuscactus- For male problems
- Sabal serrulata- For development of healthy sperms
Natrum phos 6X
Homeopathy is a proven medical science which cannot be implemented just by listening or reading something. It requires a trained doctor to administer medicines for desired results. This treatment has enabled even couples who have reached their forties to conceive. Even couples who have been married for 10 to 15 years have benefited.
- Bark of the peepal tree- When there is no obvious defect in a woman, then the juice of tender roots of the peepal tree is very beneficial. Dry the roots in shadow and powder them. Mix 20 grams of this powder in ¾ of a cup of milk and consume for 3 nights. Start this therapy from the fifth day of the menstrual cycle.
- Jamum leaves- A decoction of the Jamun leaves is beneficial when there is a defect in the ovaries. Boil 20 grams of the leaves in ¼
liter of water. Mix with 2 spoons of honey or 200 ml butter milk and consume.
- Wintercherry- This plant is beneficial in treating infertility. Mix 6 grams of this powder in a cup of milk and consume for 5 to 6 days after menstruation.
Supplements- Some women fail to conceive due to lack of Vitamin‘C’ , ‘E’ and Zinc. These women must consume 1000 mgs of Vitamin C, 400 mgs of Vitamin E and 30 mgs of Zinc.
In order to increase the efficiency of the reproductive organs, one can try Sarvangasan, Matsyasan, Ardhamatsyendrasan, Paschimottanasan, Shalabhasan etc.
A proper balanced diet and a vibrant desire to live well coupled with adequate rest and Homeopathic treatment can enable to overcome infertility.
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