Wednesday, 10 May 2017


A person’s brain functions are completely dependent on the blood supply to the brain which supplies glucose to the brain. When this function is disrupted, the brain loses control over the body. Every organ of the body is controlled by the brain and when the brain loses its control, the body suffers. Today many are aware of the words like brain haemorrhage, thrombosis, embolism, etc. In short, it means rupture of some artery supplying blood or blockage caused due to clotting. This causes disruption in certain parts of the brain which in turn affects the organs that this area controls.
Reasons- Uncontrolled lifestyle and stress are the reasons attributed to paralysis. High blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, consumption of alcohol, heredity, contraceptive pills, negligence during surgery, wounds, excessive cholesterol all exert pressure on the arteries. Smoking and drinking causes the arteries to suddenly expand or contract, which results in disruption in blood flow. Heredity is also considered a major risk factor. Excessive use of contraceptive pills causes clots in arteries. A small clot caused during surgery can move up to the brain and block a smaller artery. A similar clot when caused in the heart causes a heart attack.
Symptoms- The right or left side of the body being paralysed, loss of speech, dripping saliva, loss of sight, deformed face, loss of control over excretory and urinary functions are some of the symptoms generally observed in paralysis. At times, the patient is unable to swallow, make any movements, experiences stiffness in limbs, abnormal movements of the eyeball, double vision, loses sense of touch and exhibits many such symptoms. This ailment results in the patient becoming completely dependent upon others. Since his body and movements turn stiff, it is a nightmare even for the care-givers.
Treatment- It is important that the ailment is diagnosed in time. A CT-Scan, MRI, PET Scan can effectively detect that the paralysis has resulted due to a clot or due to blood haemorrhage. New-age medicines and treatment options can save the life of the patient. However, homoeopathy helps in recovering from the resulting loss and treatment.
Homoeopathy- Many times, it is seen that even the best of latest treatment options cannot treat paralysed organs, lost speech or restricted movements. At such times, homoeopathy offers some solace. Let’s see how-
Opium- Very effective in paralysis caused due to extreme fear or accident. The patient becomes very lethargic and lazy.
Gelsimium- It is beneficial in paralysis of eyes and throat.
Natrum Mur- Effective for the paralysis of the hands. Beneficial in paralysis caused by extreme grief or trauma.
Lacasis- Paralysis of the left side of the body, where the patient cannot even tolerate  touch  or of tight clothes. In such cases, one can effectively use medicines like senega, picric acid, nuxvomica, stramonium, plumbum met, etc. depending upon the symptoms and diagnosis. However, since these medicines are like double-edged swords, one must consult an expert before consuming them. Biochemic- Calcaria Phos,coli phos, mag phos and such medicines are useful in treating paralysis.
Physiotherapy- It helps in relaxing stiffened muscles, muscle fibres and joints.
Flower therapy- Flower therapy helps elevate a patient’s mind which is into depression following this ailment. These medicines can be administered along with homoeopathic medicines.
* Consult the concerned doctor for your health issues.
by – Dr Sonali Sarnobat
English Version Credit: Mrs. Swati Jog

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