Dr Sonali ShahSarnobat
Dr. Sarnobat'S Holistic Healthcare & Homeopathic Research Centre
Amar empire, IInd Floor, Goaves Circle
Belgaum Karnataka 590006
It is one of the rare and rather extremely difficult to treat disorders of the brain. The reason why this disorder is being discussed here is that the symptoms of this disorder are simple, hard to detect while the nature of the disorder is such that does not easily respond to treatment.
This disorder is rare to find in Asian countries, however of late, many such cases are being detected in our country also. In this disorder, a part of the brain suddenly starts degenerating. It starts melting and what remains is a scar. It means that the part of the body that was controlled by that part of the brain is permanently damaged. It can spread to the entire brain, cortex and spine also. The exact cause of this disorder is yet to be identified. However, it is observed to spread genetically from one generation to the other. Today, many tests are available that can detect this disorder which has enabled many patients being diagnosed in time. Earlier, it was all about doubtful detections. Today, diagnosis is aided by CT-Scan and MRI which help in confirming the diagnosis.
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Symptoms- Men and women in the age group of 15 to 50 can be afflicted with this disorder, where women have a higher percentage. Initially, the patient feels confused doing routine functions. He drops things, stumbles and feels lost. He cannot balance himself while walking and feels that his steps are not aligned. When moving his neck, especially when touching the chin to the chest, he experiences a strange current in his spine which spreads to the whole of the back. At first, casual medicines appear to bring relief, but later the severity of the pain and the frequency also increases. The vision gets affected. One is unable to identify colors. Vision gets blurred, pupil moves incoherently. Sense of touch in the limbs reduces. He experiences a feeling of walking over sand or sponge. Touch feels different every time and slight touches cannot be identified. The patient becomes extremely sensitive, at times, he is over emotional, at others he is confused. Facial muscles get paralyzed and hence his face appears deformed. Facial nerves pain and feels like a shock. Later, nerves in the limbs give up. Brain loses control over limbs and he appears to drag his feet while walking. It also impacts the bladder and initially where he feels the need to urinate frequently, in later stages, he is unable to fully empty his bladder. He needs a catheter to empty his urine. In later stages, his memory gives way and intellect suffers. If the disorder is detected in time, the patient can live even for 20-25 years, if not, then survival could be barely 4 to 5 years.
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Treatment – The main reason to discuss this disorder is that after reading this, many readers would feel that they have also experienced some of these symptoms- they are that simple and easy to detect. Hence it is important that diagnosis happens in time. When a person is aware of the symptoms, he is rarely negligent and can reach out for medical help. Currently, treatment is possible only based on symptoms. Homeopathy can avoid side effects and better the life of a patient. One can also avail of physiotherapy. Homeopathic medicines can be complimented with biochemic medicines and flower therapy.
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