Sunday, 3 December 2017


Dr Sonali ShahSarnobat


Dr. Sarnobat'S Holistic Healthcare & Homeopathic Research Centre

Amar empire, IInd Floor, Goaves Circle

Belgaum Karnataka 590006 



We tend to have become very active in today's age, for there more to do and less time in hand. Something still remains unfinished. Suddenly you feel low and your limbs ache badly. You dislike any task and feel irritated. In short, the body's nervous system is weary. The flexibility of the nervous system, balance of the muscles and the circulatory mechanism all fall off gear. A person gets fed up with eating, speaking or even mingling with other people. The increased pace of life, ambitions, expectations and standards of living have all undergone a sea change in the past two decades or so which have resulted in increased cases of Neurasthania.


Symptoms– This is an amalgamation of a host of symptoms. We commonly complain of tiredness and fatigue which is a part of neurasthenia. Limbs turn cold, one experiences insomnia. Thoughts keep cris-crossing the mind and this makes one fanatical. One loses appetite and digestion weakens. Bloated stomach, acidity, itchy skin are some symptoms. One loses interest in personal life. Women suffer from menstrual problems. Restlessness, fear, irritation, sensitiveness and such problems arise. Muscles loosen. If one forces oneself to work, he experiences depression.



Reasons– When one gets overburdened with mental and physical work, the person suffers from Neurasthania. It is money which rules our lives today, but a day will come when you feel disinterested in everything. Physiological Reasons include vitamin deficiency, consuming unhealthy junk food devoid of any nutrients, uneven meal timings which results in fatigue. Food loses nutrients when over boiled, over cooked, when artificial colors and flavors are added to them. The body does not get the necessary natural nutrients and minerals which is also a cause for fatigue. When one does not get a good night's sleep, the body does not get time to replenish itself and does not feel fresh. One tends to neglect the body for work, due to addiction or studies and in the bargain, it is faced with tiredness, wrinkled skin, loss of sheen, under-eye dark circles, losing weight or getting obese, all are symptoms of fatigue. Neurasthemia can result after a serious ailment also.



Treatment – When treating fatigue, not only medicines but a small change in daily lifestyle makes a huge difference. It is especially important for people in high positions, medical representatives or salesmen, working women, etc. to take good care of their health. One must chalk out a health-time table along with the daily one. A healthy diet, coupled with exercise and rest goes a long way in terms of benefit. The woman of the house needs to check whether every member of the house is getting his dietary requirements and a nutritious meal and make some changes if it is not so. It is important not to be rigid in thoughts and go along with the flow of the times changing.
It is very important to exercise at least for an hour every morning or evening, and so is flexibility in relations which helps lead a fulfilling life.


Homeopathy– At times, it is observed that in spite of consuming vitamin and calcium pills, the fatigue just stays. It is at such times that one realizes the importance of Homeopathy which is extremely beneficial in fatigue caused by exertion, mental stress, chronic illness, sexual intercourse, white discharge, feminine problems, problems of the bones and muscles, etc. for which homeopathic medicines prove extremely beneficial.

Epilepsy: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Dr Sonali ShahSarnobat


Dr. Sarnobat'S Holistic Healthcare & Homeopathic Research Centre

Amar empire, IInd Floor, Goaves Circle

Belgaum Karnataka 590006 



Fits or epilepsy is an ailment that is known since ancient times. Almost every stream of medicine has had a fair amount of research on this. Inspite of this, it still remains an elusive ailment for both the patient and the doctor alike. It is a nervous disorder that affects the functions of the brain and the spinal cord. It is prevalent in kids but is also seen in grown -ups of all ages. Many famous people have suffered from this disorder like Napoleon, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, etc. who surged ahead in their respective fields without being bogged down by this disorder. Epilepsy literally means to be mesmerized by something. In ancient times, it was thought that some external forces take control of humanmind and hence he suffers from seizures and hence this name- to seize- seizure.


When a person is inflicted with this disorder in a small age, it affects the physical and mental growth. When afflicted in middle age, it impacts his social and personal existence byways of certain restrictions. There are a lot of superstitions associated with this even today. A lot many quacks still claim to cure it.




Reasons– When there is a defect in the system carrying electrical signals from the brain or the spinal cord, then wrong signals are carried and as a result, wrong tasks are performed by the muscles. Heredity, impact during pregnancy, brain fever, extreme mental or physical stress, digestive disorders, severe physical ailments can cause epilepsy. Injury to the brain or spinal cord, pus in the blood, stress on the kidneys can also cause epilepsy. Accidents can also cause fits. Typhoid, brain fever, allergy or contraction of arteries or even alcoholism, lead poisoning, cocaine consumption, etc. can lead to epilepsy. Mental stress, deficiency of micronutrients in diet ( Magnesium, Calcium, etc.) or even low blood sugar levels can lead to epilepsy.


Symptoms- There are two types of epilepsy-

  1. Grand mal– Fits appear in a specific pattern. At first, the patient feels restless. He experiences strange things like mud falling on his face or some round object moving in his stomach, some muscles vibrating, etc. Then he starts moving his hands violently in a pattern. Later, his neck gets tilted and he clenches his jaws. His mouth foams, eyes appear abnormal and he loses consciousness. Once he regains consciousness, the patient does not recall what happened to him and his movements turn slow. He may even pass urine or defecate when he experiences fits.
  2. Petit mal – In this case, the fit is just nominal. The patient can feel his muscles moving in a specific pattern. Eyes, head, limbs move un-naturally. All of this is momentarily and then everything is normal. However, this cannot be predicted. It could happen when he looks at fire or water, listens to a song, screams or even consumption of certain medicines. This ailment is so complex that no treatment should be started without proper diagnosis. In times of emergency, one has to resort to modern medicines since they are life-saving. EEG and scanning helps confirm diagnosis.


Treatment – Once the diagnosis is confirmed, certain medicines ( Like gardinal, eptoin,valperin, tegretol, etc.) must be started. This stabilizes the patient and these medicines must be taken for a long duration. The patient has to face side effects along with the good ones. It is here that Homeopathy comes into picture to help the patient.


Epilepsy Seizure-

Febrial convulsion which is the fits caused due to brain fever is common among children. Such fits result in poor development of the brain of the child. Since his intellectual growth is stunted, the child becomes dependent and this can be prevented with Homeopathic medicines. Such children are actually fully normal, but turn retarded due to the presence of this disorder or due to certain medicines used to treat them. Certain behavioral and physical disorders can also be seen.


One can never predict when a young and fit person shall suffer from an epileptic seizure. This could result in accidents while driving or working on machines. We have already seen the Reasons of epileptic seizures, now let us look at the Treatment –


Treatment – Currently, allopathic medicines are used immediately after one suffers from epileptic seizures. It includes Phenobarbitones and such other medicines. Eptoin, Gardinal, Epival, Emcoret are such medicines whose names many of us would have heard at some point. These medicines are effective but also have side effects. A person feels lethargic, his movements slow down, memory weakens, gums swell, hair- fall and under-eye bags are commonly seen. There are many patients who, in spite of consuming these medicines for years, continue to suffer from fits. At  such times, Homeopathy is obviously very beneficial. Some patients hasten to stop Allopathic medicines and switch to Homeopathic ones. This causes severe attacks of fits. Instead, he should gradually reduce Allopathic dose and steadily increase Homeopathic dose under expert guidance. It takes a considerable time for a patient to recover. Some Homeopathic medicines can also be used as immediate treatment when one suffers from fits.


Homeopathy- Cuprum met ( Cup Met) , Bufo, Agaricus, Plumbum, Arnica, Gelsemium, Valeriana, etc. can be consumed under expert guidance.


Barakshar–  Cilisia, Coli Phos, Penta Phos ought to be administered depending upon the physiological needs of the patient.


Flower Therapy– Medicines like  Impatiens, Rescue, Mimulus must be taken under expert guidance. It lowers mental stress.


Naturopathy– It helps to balance the mental and physical well-being of a person. Micronutrients like Calcium and Magnesium are essential for the smooth functioning of the nervous system. One must increase the intake of these micronutrients in his diet.


There are a lot of superstitions and misunderstandings prevalent in society about fits. This hinders marriage prospects of young men and women who are not responsible for this disorder in any way. The society must accept such people whole-heartedly. Parents of patients, however, look out for a healthy life partner for their child. This mindset needs to change. The progeny of both parents who are epileptic can be healthy. Marriages after proper medical counselling can prove fruitful

Multiple sclerosis- Symptoms and Treatment

Dr Sonali ShahSarnobat


Dr. Sarnobat'S Holistic Healthcare & Homeopathic Research Centre

Amar empire, IInd Floor, Goaves Circle

Belgaum Karnataka 590006 



It is one of the rare and rather extremely difficult to treat disorders of the brain. The reason why this disorder is being discussed here is that the symptoms of this disorder are simple, hard to detect while the nature of the disorder is such that does not easily respond to treatment.




This disorder is rare to find in Asian countries, however of late, many such cases are being detected in our country also. In this disorder, a part of the brain suddenly starts degenerating. It starts melting and what remains is a scar. It means that the part of the body that was controlled by that part of the brain is permanently damaged. It can spread to the entire brain, cortex and spine also. The exact cause of this disorder is yet to be identified. However, it is observed to spread genetically from one generation to the other. Today, many tests are available that can detect this disorder which has enabled many patients being diagnosed in time. Earlier, it was all about doubtful detections. Today, diagnosis is aided by CT-Scan and MRI which help in confirming the diagnosis.


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Symptoms- Men and women in the age group of 15 to 50 can be afflicted with this disorder, where women have a higher percentage. Initially, the patient feels confused doing routine functions. He drops things, stumbles and feels lost. He cannot balance himself while walking and feels that his steps are not aligned. When moving his neck, especially when touching the chin to the chest, he experiences a strange current in his spine which spreads to the whole of the back. At first, casual medicines appear to bring relief, but later the severity of the pain and the frequency also increases. The vision gets affected. One is unable to identify colors. Vision gets blurred, pupil moves incoherently. Sense of touch in the limbs reduces. He experiences a feeling of walking over sand or sponge. Touch feels different every time and slight touches cannot be identified. The patient becomes extremely sensitive, at times, he is over emotional, at others he is confused. Facial muscles get paralyzed and hence his face appears deformed. Facial nerves pain and feels like a shock. Later, nerves in the limbs give up. Brain loses control over limbs and he appears to drag his feet while walking. It also impacts the bladder and initially where he feels the need to urinate frequently, in later stages, he is unable to fully empty his bladder. He needs a catheter to empty his urine. In later stages, his memory gives way and intellect suffers. If the disorder is detected in time, the patient can live even for 20-25 years, if not, then survival could be barely 4 to 5 years.


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Treatment –  The main reason to discuss this disorder is that after reading this, many readers would feel that they have also experienced some of these symptoms- they are that simple and easy to detect. Hence it is important that diagnosis happens in time. When a person is aware of the symptoms, he is rarely negligent and can reach out for medical help. Currently, treatment is possible only based on symptoms. Homeopathy can avoid side effects and better the life of a patient. One can also avail of physiotherapy. Homeopathic medicines can be complimented with biochemic medicines and flower therapy.

Paralysis: Reasons, Symptoms and Treatment in Homeopathy

Dr Sonali ShahSarnobat


Dr. Sarnobat'S Holistic Healthcare & Homeopathic Research Centre

Amar empire, IInd Floor, Goaves Circle

Belgaum Karnataka 590006 



A person's brain functions are completely dependent on the blood supply to the brain which supplies glucose to the brain. When this function is disrupted, the brain loses control over the body. Every organ of the body is controlled by the brain and when the brain loses its control, the body suffers. Today many are aware of the words like brain hemorrhage, thrombosis, embolism, etc. In short, it means rupture of some artery supplying blood or blockage caused due to clotting. This causes disruption in certain parts of the brain which in turn affects the organs that this area controls.


Reasons– Uncontrolled lifestyle and stress are the Reasons attributed to paralysis. High blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, consumption of alcohol, heredity, contraceptive pills, negligence during surgery, wounds, excessive cholesterol all exert pressure on the arteries. Smoking and drinking cause the arteries to suddenly expand or contract, which results in disruption in blood flow. Heredity is also considered a major risk factor. Excessive use of contraceptive pills causes clots in arteries. A small clot caused during surgery can move up to the brain and block a smaller artery. A similar clot, when caused in the heart, causes a heart attack.

Mental Aberration among children

Dr Sonali ShahSarnobat


Dr. Sarnobat'S Holistic Healthcare & Homeopathic Research Centre

Amar empaire, , IInd Floor, Goaves Circle

Belgaum Karnataka 590006 



In today's stressful times, even children are not spared of its impact. How can children escape the ill effects when the parents and family is undergoing stress? It just gets to them, at least in parts. Moreover, some children are inherently sensitive, timid or a bit depressed otherwise also. Such sensitive children must be protected from any shock and allowed to bloom naturally. Much depends on the parents in this regards and yet a small neglect lets the disorder grow.


Fear and worry ( Anxiety Disorder) – Unreasonable worry about the past, present and future, fear, insecurity and continuous dwelling in stress. Such children fear staying alone, the dark and the ghosts. It is but natural that many children fear these things, but in such children, it is observed to be in excess. They tail their mother wherever she goes, remain restless, stammer and speak in spurts, drop things frequently, lack self-confidence and the like are some of the things that show up in such children. They fear even venturing out of home to go to school and cannot even complete their own tasks.


Not getting enough of parental attention, wrong concepts in mind, wrong information, unreasonable punishments, unwanted comparisons from parents and family members, caning are some of the Reasons why such children always appear petrified. They tend to lose confidence. Counseling of the children, of the parents and homeopathic medicines works wonders for such children.



Depression – One may wonder what kind of depression would be experienced by such tiny children, but it is a growing phenomenon among kids today. Over eating, avoiding eating leads to physical ailments, ferocious behavior, melancholy, lagging in studies, repeatedly doing a single task, getting irritated, cranky are all symptoms of some form of depression. Parental discord or depression or any other mental disorder affects the children too. One needs to check the mental health of extremely skinny or extremely obese children.


Divorce of parents, death of a parent, mental disorder in a parent, chronic disease, disability, admitting in a boarding school for education, severe mental shock can lead to depression among children. These symptoms also need counseling and homeopathic medicines can help treat these children without any side-effects.


Phobia- When a child is extremely fearful of insects, school, certain persons, injections or such things, it is called phobia. When the child faces these things, he may even lose consciousness. School phobia is the toughest to handle. It can be dealt with counseling and constant support from teachers and treatment with homeopathic medicines. One needs to first find the reason behind the phobia and take expert help wherever necessary.


Hysteria-  In this disorder, no apparent problem is visible, the child just unknowingly behave in a weird fashion feigning pain to attract attention. They complain of headache, stomach ache and may even roll on the floor, fall unconscious, pretend to fall unconscious, which confuses even the doctors at times. A lot of time is wasted in ascertaining whether it is real or fake. However, it is all a staged drama. It puzzles everyone and they get all the tests and examinations done until they realize that only Homeopathy can treat it because only Homeopathy can treat mental disorders without any side effects.


Infantile autism is the disorder that is apparent only when the child turns two or two and a half year old. Such children have little or no connect with the outside world. Meaningless blabber, repeatedly doing same tasks, fondling own body or simply sitting motionless are some of the symptoms. They love to play and may not even identify their parents. This disorder has no effective medicine to cure it, but it can be controlled through timely diagnosis and treatment.

Hyperkinesia reasons, symptoms and Treatment

Dr Sonali ShahSarnobat


Dr. Sarnobat'S Holistic Healthcare & Homeopathic Research Centre

Amar empaire, , IInd Floor, Goaves Circle

Belgaum Karnataka 590006 



Who does not like a child who is naughty? One may even say that it is a child's best trait to be naughty. It is this very naughty nature of a baby Krishna that appeals to his devotees. However, when naughtiness goes out of control, it becomes a matter of much concern. Many parents complain that their child does not pay heed to anything told, goes on with his antics. To some extent, it is a result of the over indulgence of parents, but some children go beyond that and create a ruckus. Continuous activity, play, banging things around, breaking, fighting, snatching things away, rude speech, hitting companions is something they do regularly. This nature is apparent from the age of four and is better known as Hyperkinesia ( which means incessant movements) which may never be ignored. For every 100 children, 7 to 8 of them face this problem.


Symptoms: Movements belie their age. Such children can never remain calm. No matter what the place, the setting or the circumstance, they continue with their hyperactivity. They keep shouting, throwing tantrums or generally don't pay heed to any cajoling. When such behavior is not curbed in time, it could lead to anti-social behavior and immoral behavior and kids may develop criminal tendencies. The frontal part of the brain ( cerebrum) of these children grows comparatively slowly. It is characterized by unwanted noise, tantrums and is prevalent in boys more than girls. This disorder leads to depression in youth.


Reasons– Unhappy homes, parental discord, continuous fights at home all take a toll on the children's psyche. Unrealistic indulgence may even spoil inherently good children. When a pregnant woman faces mental stress, then the child is also born with some mental problems. It is important to take utmost care of a pregnant woman during her pregnancy. Children with hyperkinesias suffer lesser blood flow to the cerebrum.


Treatment : A home that provides love, affection and care from the parents is not something that every child gets, but he deserves it nonetheless. So is the duty of every parent to see to it that the child's mental, physical and spiritual growth happens unhampered. But the question remains of those children who are already suffering from this disorder, for whom only Homeopathy and flower therapy offers solace. These two streams treat the child's hyperkinesia completely and foster concentration and health in the child.


Hypochondriasis reasons, symptoms and Treatment

Dr Sonali ShahSarnobat


Dr. Sarnobat'S Holistic Healthcare & Homeopathic Research Centre

Amar empire, IInd Floor, Goaves Circle

Belgaum Karnataka 590006 



Geetika, aged 40 was a regular at our clinic. She was more informed about medical aspects than even the doctors themselves, perhaps! She habitually searched for diseases and treatments on the internet. That was not all, the moment she heard of a new ailment, she found the symptoms in herself! She skipped a heart attack every two months, she got sneezes when she watched about swine flu on TV , so much so that one felt if she would get infected from the TV itself. A good five to six folders overflew when a host of doctors were consulted and a battery of tests conducted for her. She would rattle details about which test was performed for which symptom, what was the report and what medicines were prescribed and which doctor knew how much about his profession. One could easily find all the information about virtually every pathy's practioner in the city with her. Jokes apart, one can find such a whimsical person in all of us. This whim surfaces every now and then. When it turns extreme, it becomes a disorder which is known as Hypochondriasis. The prevalence of this disorder is increasing of late. The medical profession may take undue advantage of such patients.


Hypochondriasis – This is symbolized by exaggerated worries about one's health. The patient keeps complaining about his health and feels that he suffers from some incurable disease. Even when confronted with normal reports, he keeps denying being normal. He does not get convinced even when told by a doctor. A total of 5 to 10 % of all patients fall in this category which has equal proportions of men and women. It is observed to increase with old age.


Reasons-  Gloomy childhood, lowliness, the feeling of being dejected by society, loneliness, loss in life, financial strain all these emotional factors leads to inferiority complex, evilness, short tempered nature and guilt complex takes root and develops into some form of hypochondriasis.


Symptoms– Heart and digestive problems are more common as symptoms. It is natural for such patients to be over sensitive and melodramatic in their behavior. They confidently claim that they have all the symptoms of even diseases like cancer. At such times, it is important to conduct all the necessary tests. Apart from that, one has to give a thought to the depression, schizophrenia, worrying nature among other symptoms.


Treatment – It is an art in itself to treat such patients. It is only Homeopathy which is considered both an art and a science. Counseling the patient and overall progressing on his side is extremely challenging. Only Homeopathy has the medicines to treat hypochondriasis completely. It is, however, important to consult expert and experienced doctors.

Neurasthania reasons, symptoms and Treatment

Dr Sonali ShahSarnobat


Dr. Sarnobat'S Holistic Healthcare & Homeopathic Research Centre

Amar empire, IInd Floor, Goaves Circle

Belgaum Karnataka 590006 



We tend to have become very active in today's age, for there more to do and less time in hand. Something still remains unfinished. Suddenly you feel low and your limbs ache badly. You dislike any task and feel irritated. In short, the body's nervous system is weary. The flexibility of the nervous system, balance of the muscles and the circulatory mechanism all fall off gear. A person gets fed up with eating, speaking or even mingling with other people. The increased pace of life, ambitions, expectations and standards of living have all undergone a sea change in the past two decades or so which have resulted in increased cases of Neurasthania.


Symptoms– This is an amalgamation of a host of symptoms. We commonly complain of tiredness and fatigue which is a part of neurasthenia. Limbs turn cold, one experiences insomnia. Thoughts keep cris-crossing the mind and this makes one fanatical. One loses appetite and digestion weakens. Bloated stomach, acidity, itchy skin are some symptoms. One loses interest in personal life. Women suffer from menstrual problems. Restlessness, fear, irritation, sensitiveness and such problems arise. Muscles loosen. If one forces oneself to work, he experiences depression.



Reasons– When one gets overburdened with mental and physical work, the person suffers from Neurasthania. It is money which rules our lives today, but a day will come when you feel disinterested in everything. Physiological Reasons include vitamin deficiency, consuming unhealthy junk food devoid of any nutrients, uneven meal timings which results in fatigue. Food loses nutrients when over boiled, over cooked, when artificial colors and flavors are added to them. The body does not get the necessary natural nutrients and minerals which is also a cause for fatigue. When one does not get a good night's sleep, the body does not get time to replenish itself and does not feel fresh. One tends to neglect the body for work, due to addiction or studies and in the bargain, it is faced with tiredness, wrinkled skin, loss of sheen, under-eye dark circles, losing weight or getting obese, all are symptoms of fatigue. Neurasthemia can result after a serious ailment also.



Treatment – When treating fatigue, not only medicines but a small change in daily lifestyle makes a huge difference. It is especially important for people in high positions, medical representatives or salesmen, working women, etc. to take good care of their health. One must chalk out a health-time table along with the daily one. A healthy diet, coupled with exercise and rest goes a long way in terms of benefit. The woman of the house needs to check whether every member of the house is getting his dietary requirements and a nutritious meal and make some changes if it is not so. It is important not to be rigid in thoughts and go along with the flow of the times changing.
It is very important to exercise at least for an hour every morning or evening, and so is flexibility in relations which helps lead a fulfilling life.


Homeopathy– At times, it is observed that in spite of consuming vitamin and calcium pills, the fatigue just stays. It is at such times that one realizes the importance of Homeopathy which is extremely beneficial in fatigue caused by exertion, mental stress, chronic illness, sexual intercourse, white discharge, feminine problems, problems of the bones and muscles, etc. for which homeopathic medicines prove extremely beneficial.